Help me find an old kung fu movie I forgot using this scene description.

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Kungfu_Hero posted...

You have summoned me, but you are not my master until you speak my real name. Or maybe I grant three wishes. Or writing people's name in this book kills them. Whichever. XD

Hmm. I'm not sure actually. FF Redux is right. These are common tropes in kung fu movies, so it's like a scene an AI would make. It sounds like Lau Kar Leung schtick.

Could it be this scene from Dirty Ho? They keep trying to kill each other while pretending to be cordial. A lot of what you mentioned isn't here, but maybe you're conflating different movies. I know I've done that. The pale eunuch villain is super common in these movies.

That's not it, although good try. It started out with those kind of antics until becoming a full blown fight.

But I did unlock a new detail in my memory! The villain CREAKED. As in, every single movement he made was like a creaking, cracking movement, like his bones were all fused or something. And the fighting was VERY choreographed. Like, one two one two, they would make really obvious start stop movements, and every one would be a loud creaking from the villain.