My pharmacy (Walgreens) put the wrong prescription label on my prescription.

Current Events

As others have stated, the profession of pharmacy has been struggling with a lot lately. Corporate pharmacies clamping down on their pharmacists, expecting them to do more and more with no change in pay with a pathetically understaffed pharmacy at speeds that cannot be considered safe by any means, insurance companies and PBMs doing everything they can to either underpay the pharmacies they don't own or push them elsewhere, a pharmacy organization that's more interested in being bought out by these corporations and companies instead of fighting for pharmacists, and a public that either doesn't know or doesn't care what goes on in a pharmacy.

I'm not saying you getting a mislabeled prescription should be handwaved away TC. That employee made a mistake and I assure you that it is the last thing they wanted to do to you or anyone else they serve. But if this pharmacy you go to is a victim of understaffing and other prevelent pharmacy issues these days, I would suggest directing your frustration, anger, or whatever it is towards the corporation for not providing adequate staffing/tools for that location rather than trying to dump the blame solely on the pharmacist who made the mistake.