im watching the brooke shields documentary on disney+ and its pissing me off

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Current Events » im watching the brooke shields documentary on disney+ and its pissing me off
all these grown men turning a young girl into a sex symbol from the age of 12
just got to the part where a judge ruled that a man who took pornographic fully nude images of her at 9 could sell them against the now teenage brooke's wishes

i really hope nothing but the worst happened to the people involved but i doubt they got any comeuppance
the judge bought those photos for sure
Not changing this signature until Beyond Good and Evil 2 is in my hand.
August 25th, 2010.
finished it
wasnt as interesting as the pamala anderson story but im glad things turned around for both of them and i really hate the way they got treated in court when they both should have won
oh there is a part 2
i guess there is more to her story
yusiko posted...
all these grown men turning a young girl into a sex symbol from the age of 12
just got to the part where a judge ruled that a man who took pornographic fully nude images of her at 9 could sell them against the now teenage brooke's wishes

i really hope nothing but the worst happened to the people involved but i doubt they got any comeuppance
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
indica posted...

yep i googled both the judge and pervert and both never faced any consequences for it
they are both dead now
Was this in the 80s? Or even 70s? I forget how old she is. It seems like there was a certain tolerance of pedophilia in society until about the 90s
ok just got to the story of how after she graduated from princton and took 4 years off from acting the film industry wasnt really interested in her anymore and her one post college film flopped
then when she went to what she thought was a work interview for a movie by someone she knew it ended with her being raped.

i knew nothing about brooke shields and this is heartbeaking
i think i saw blue lagoon once when i was like 13
brooke and pamala both married guys who didnt seem to understand what acting was
when pamala had to kiss a man on baywatch her then husband had a destructive temper tantrum and trashed her trailer

when brooke liked joeys finger on friends her then husband had a destructive temper tantrum and trashed their house
The 70's were a weird time where you could openly sexualize children.
its also really creepy that they showed a bunch of interviews she did with well known male talk show hosts when she was between 12 and 15 and all of them just keep talking about how hot they think she is

thats fucked up
and then when it was learned she was a virgin in her 20s the media focused on that instead
it was creepy (i know the jonas brothers went through something similar and the media obsession with their virginity was also creepy)
At least those Hollywood pervert molesters could not get away with it nowadays right? Right?

Tldr Pamela Anderson, I know even less about her than Brooke shields
yusiko posted...
yep i googled both the judge and pervert and both never faced any consequences for it
they are both dead now
Those graves need some urine.
Noumas posted...
At least those Hollywood pervert molesters could not get away with it nowadays right? Right?

Tldr Pamela Anderson, I know even less about her than Brooke shields

when pamala anderson and her then husband tommy lee were on their honeymoon they filmed all their time together even their sex life
it was all private videos and someone stole them form their home. edited out all the non sex scenes and sold it in stores as the pamala anderson sex tape
to this day she has never made a dime off that tape and a judge ruled that since she once consented to appear nude in playboy then the thief had the legal right to sell the sex tape he stole from her

which makes absolutely no sense that would be like saying because a grocery store consented to give me change one time i have a legal right to take what ever is in the cash register at a different store
You know whats weird to think of? Justin Bieber was also heavily sexualized at like, 12 years old. He had older women groping him and kissing him ON AWARDS SHOWS with him saying the whole time he was uncomfortable.

Nobody did a fucking thing.
there was a countdown to the day the olsen twins turned 18
the redhead kid from adventures in babysitting was almost raped by kevin spacey at a party when he was 14 years old

the industry destroys childhoods
yusiko posted...
a judge ruled that a man who took pornographic fully nude images of her at 9 could sell them against the now teenage brooke's wishes

So basically like a proto-CEman

It's only forever, not long at all~
yusiko posted...
just got to the part where a judge ruled that a man who took pornographic fully nude images of her at 9 could sell them against the now teenage brooke's wishes
I don't know the details of the case but this seems pretty standard. The photos are the property of the artist and the subject of them doesn't really get much say in the matter.
Such is reality.
Allergic to bull****.
If you think that's bad, wait till you hear about Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, etc.
Also even Jodie foster was a hit little bit with that kinda thing. She played a 12 year old prostitute in that taxi movie
Current Events » im watching the brooke shields documentary on disney+ and its pissing me off