ITT: I play Jedi Fallen Order (ongoing spoilers)

Current Events

Alright, I went to Dathomir and had some fun adventures that resulted in my broken lightsaber. Dunno how it happened -- it almost seemed to short circuit after a flashback or something. Of course, right afterwards there's a bunch of piss-easy zombies I have to flee from. Cal pee-pantsed his way off the planet, so...not his finest moment.

I did epically mess up that birb, though. At first I was disappointed because it ran away like a wuss, but then it came back and I had to scale a mountain like it was a lost Brave Fencer Musashi level.

Crazymaori posted...
Second game in the series releases next month.
Ooh, didn't know that.

Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame