Are onions the most versatile crop when it comes to cooking?

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Current Events » Are onions the most versatile crop when it comes to cooking?

eggs are useful for many applications
chicken stock is useful for many applications
hexa posted...
eggs are useful for many applications
chicken stock is useful for many applications

those arent crops
hard time deciding between garlic and onions

Forever Momo; Always EPic
When I was young I thought caramelized onions were onions cooked in caramel.
Hambo's alt.
Potatoes are still the undefeated champion of culinary versatility.
Heartomaton for President 2028.
  1. Potatoes
  2. Onions
  3. Corn
Heartomaton posted...
Potatoes are still the undefeated champion of culinary versatility.
There are a ton of ways to fry them alone. Not even getting into mashing, boiling, etc.
Onions are far more crucial to any dish theyre in than potatoes
Games: \\ Music:
I'd say they are the most versatile at burning people's eyes but there's probably a pepper that does it better.
Onions are garbage in all seriousness, 90% of the recipes that call for them would taste better replaced with garlic
Id probably give it to tomato but its up there.
Posted from my iPhone 13
As much as I love onions, I might say... Peppers are a bit more versatile. You have an ingredient that can add a small amount of sweetness or crunch to a dish or make it extremely spicy, with each type of pepper having its own different taste. You have dry versions of it like Schezwan which can make your mouth feeling a little numb, or white and black pepper each adding their own flavor to a dish.

You can stew, stuff, bake, dry, fry, grill and anything in between. It makes a very delicious Arrabbiata sauce, Salsa, and it's the main ingredient in all hot sauces.

It's also an ingredient in way too many dishes. From Omelettes, to Fajitas, to Stews and even some baked goods.
You can cook a golden potato in your microwave oven to go with your TV dinner and it has no fat but has vitamin c and potassium (add cheese for protein and you are full).
Brassica oleracea
Aerodynamic Trunks was here
Current Events » Are onions the most versatile crop when it comes to cooking?