ITT: I play Mafia Remastered (ongoing spoilers)

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I really liked Mafia 3. I even had fun taking over territory and sneaking around and killing bad guys as a badass Vietnam vet. The atmosphere of the game is pretty great too. The writing is the series strong suit as usual and at times I even felt a tiny bit of sympathy for villain. It does get a bit tedious at times and there could have been a few different improvements they could have done, but overall I thought it was good and does not deserve the flack it gets. I know it was a buggy mess at first though so that probably ruined a lot of people's first impressions.

The Definitive Edition is pretty good too. For me it was kind of quaint going back old school linear game like that after years of modern open world games. While I haven't played the original version in years, the DE seems pretty faithful to it and made things better. I still wish they added more stuff to do within the world though. While it's a remake of an old game, they still should add in a few modern amenities and such. I played the original on PS2, which was kind of a pain because of the loading times.

And The Godfather game was so great. Had so much fun with it and beating various rival mobsters and shop keeps up in various ways. 2 was ok, but not near as fun though it added in some fun features like having a crew and taking out the top rival mob guys which helps you in the world.
When I sin I sin real good.