Cat with gang tattoos seeks new home after being rescued from Mexican prison

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Current Events » Cat with gang tattoos seeks new home after being rescued from Mexican prison

Wanted: A new home for a one-of-a-kind feline.
A sphynx cat, which is about one year old and does not yet have a name, is up for adoption after being rescued from the Cereso 3 prison in Ciudad Jurez, Mexico, during a police raid.
The cat is believed to have suffered mistreatment at the hands of a criminal gang while in the prison.
It has tattoos on both sides of its furless body, including the phrase "Made in Mexico" commonly used by a street gang allied with the Sinaloa Cartel.
Authorities say they are now looking for the right family to take the cat, which has spent weeks recovering with care workers and is not for sale, into their home.
"The cat is very sociable and is in great shape, with no infections," said Cesar Rene Diaz, Ciudad Jurez's ecology director.
A committee of city authorities will make the final decision about the adoption before presenting the cat to its new family in a ceremony on March 1.
Poor kitty, hope it's happy in its new home.
Oda break tracker 2022- 13 (3) | THE Ohio State:11-1 | Las Vegas Raiders: 6-9
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He's lucky that cat didn't get killed for repping the wrong tattoos. Seriously >_>
Name it Dominik.
I don't know about urinals. Half the guys are afraid to use them and most who aren't afraid can't hit them
GranolaPanic posted...
The inmates responsible should get years added to their sentence for doing that. Its sickening to forcibly tattoo an animal.

Jfc humanity was a mistake. Hopefully kitty finds a good home with loving people.
Only two things can end a Republican's career - a dead girl or a live boy.
Only Mexican prison you'll find something like this. First of all how was a cat even allowed to live In the prison? And I feel bad, imagine the pain the cat felt being tattooed. Not even with a professional tattoo gun and needle, one of them thrown together prison items to make a tattoo. Glad though the cat is alive and seems healthy. Really needs a good home. Though a home in America would be much better
Says a lot about the cat that it's still trusting in humans after it was probably pinned down and inked, not knowing what was happening or why it was in constant pain.

Also, they allow cats in prison in Mexico?
"I'm tired of this city, all this toil and strife. Trying to cross the boulevard, playing Frogger with my life."
Rikishi posted...
First of all how was a cat even allowed to live In the prison?
Mexican prisons aren't like American prisons. Down there they basically throw everyone behind a wall and it's survival of the fittest. Occasionally police will come through and raid them like what happened here, but otherwise there's very little supervision.
Oda break tracker 2022- 13 (3) | THE Ohio State:11-1 | Las Vegas Raiders: 6-9
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MabusIncarnate posted...
Says a lot about the cat that it's still trusting in humans after it was probably pinned down and inked

Well considering it was in a prison with gang members that presumably have drug operations, it was probably given hard drugs as sedatives when it was inked. That's worse, but I'd like to assume it was out of it to the point where it didn't suffer in the process :/
I hate myself for this, but the Made in Mexico tattoo made me laugh.

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014
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That cat is fucking adorable.
"Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat <poop>! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!" - Babs Johnson
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Heinous that they would do such a thing. I hope the cat was at least sedated when it happened.
On a sidenote, that cat looks like a bootleg E.T. doll that melted during assembly.

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FigureOfSpeech posted...

Well considering it was in a prison with gang members that presumably have drug operations, it was probably given hard drugs as sedatives when it was inked. That's worse, but I'd like to assume it was out of it to the point where it didn't suffer in the process :/

voldothegr8 posted...
"The cat is very sociable and is in great shape, with no infections," said Cesar Rene Diaz, Ciudad Jurez's ecology director.
This is what surprised me the most. If they DID dose the cat, they did it right to not kill the cat or cause long term harm. And even if so, it must've been surprisingly well taken care of to recover after getting the tattoos. You do have to do some care to make sure you're not irritating the area or introducing infections. As we all know cats tend to clean themselves. Hairless cats? Maybe they don't but you'd imagine it would make the tattoos worse if it were to groom itself. So it's very surprising the cat is in good health and it didn't get infections from the tattoos. They either took spectacular care of the cat or they slapped a cone on the cat to make sure it wouldn't hurt itself even more. Regardless they did SOMETHING to make sure it didn't get sick post tattoo. I really want to know more honestly.

Simplest thing, they could just be lying about it, and the cat is still hurt and isn't sociable. But I don't want to think too much on that.
[05:45:34] I bought an American L and it was like a tent
I'll get modded if I say what I think should happen to those that tattooed that poor baby
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
I was wondering how much of a help pets are to prisoners and was curious if prisons allow pet management as some form of rehabilitation in the US. I was surprised to find out that they do. I imagine for a bunch of people who don't get treated as people it's an immense help to be able to take care of a life and form a bond that still anchors them to society and instills beliefs in them rather than just throwing them to the side and forgetting about them forever.

There's apparently dog training programs for prisoners to train dogs and those dogs get given to those who need service animals. Because well they only have all the time in the world, they're able to stimulate and train the dogs for exactly what they need.

I thought it was neat, because I imagine in a prison just the presence of an animal to take care of and play with can really help change the mental health of at least some prisoners for the better.
[05:45:34] I bought an American L and it was like a tent
I wouldnt adopt the cat. What if the former owner really loves the cat and goes all John Wick to get it back
Current Events » Cat with gang tattoos seeks new home after being rescued from Mexican prison