Why are there so many varieties of apples, but only one flavor of apple juice?

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Current Events » Why are there so many varieties of apples, but only one flavor of apple juice?
I feel like there's an entire untapped market here
^ I want to try them all
the pasteurization process and filtering and preservatives change the taste a good deal.

You can get apple cider in all sorts of flavors, in the PNW gala, Fuji, honeycrisp are all popular ciders at stores.

Also most importantly, I think, most juices and ciders are a blend unless it explicitly says otherwise. Cider is given a bit more leeway in taste but people kind of expect a familiar taste with apple juice.
Trader Joes sells honeycrisp apple juice

its crazy good
A while back some local convenience stores sold specifically Fuji apple juice. It was pretty good.
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Current Events » Why are there so many varieties of apples, but only one flavor of apple juice?