Man legally changes gender to help win custody battle

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CUENCA, Ecuador (TND) A transgender rights group is up in arms after an Ecuadorian man changed his gender to help him win a custody battle for his kids.

Ren Salinas Ramos, 47, told Ecuadorian news outlet La Voz del Tomebamba that the laws in his country favor mothers over fathers when it comes to custody battles. Therefore, he decided to legally change his gender, which he showed proof of by displaying his ID that now lists Salinass new gender identity: "FEMENINO."

Salinas Ramos alleged his daughters were living in an abusive environment with their mother, and that he hasnt been able to see them in over five months, according to La Voz del Tomebamba.

The laws say that the one who has the right is the woman. As of this moment, I am female. Now Im also a mom, thats how I consider myself, Salinas Ramos reportedly told the local outlet. I am very sure of my sexuality. What I have sought is that I want to be a mother, so that I can also give the love and protection of a mother.

Salinas Ramos noted that his actions were not against anyone in particular, but against the system.

Being a father in this country, Ecuador, is punished and looked at only as a supplier, he reportedly argued.

But despite Salinas Ramos's noble desire to win his kids back from their allegedly abusive mother, his gender change has trans activists in the country upset.

Diane Rodrguez, the director of the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organizations, argues what Salinas Ramos is doing isnt the spirit of the law," according to VICE News.

We are afraid that in the Assembly things will go backwards and they will start legislating against us, she added, according to VICE.
Rodrguezs organization also released a statement echoing her argument.

Although the optional gender change and sex change in the identity card of trans people is now a reality, it is important to indicate that the norm is not fully complied with, the statement asserted. We are surprised that a visibly cisgender man has passed with apparent ease the optional gender change in the ID, even when we have denounced that in the same city of Cuenca there have been problems for the recognition of gender and sex of Trans people.

In the end, the trans rights group requested that the Ecuadorian courts "make an interpretation on the application" of the current law in light of the circumstances surrounding Salinas Ramos.