ugh... i came out of the physical therapist appt today in more pain than when i

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Current Events » ugh... i came out of the physical therapist appt today in more pain than when i
went in. i'm really not sure about this new physical therapist. she was having me do some stretches laying down on a PT table, some of which eased the pain and stiffness in my upper back that was flaring up today, but which made the main pain in my lower back and hip flare up even more. there were two different stretches that i had to just stop doing because it was making this one spot on my right hip flare up with a sharp shooting pain and feel like it was getting locked up or something. it was not the kind of pain that was good pain from working the muscle the way it needs to be worked, it was just bad.

at the end of the session they put a TENS unit and an icepack on you and have you lay down for like 15 minutes and decompress, but i was still in pain the whole time and could barely find a comfortable position to even lay down in. when it was time to get up, it took a lot of effort and was very painful. i could barely walk after. i had significant difficulty hobbling across the room up to the front counter to make my next appointment. people were staring. the receptionist asked me if i was okay and i said not really, and one of the other patients in the waiting room area asked if i needed to sit down and started picking up her purse and things from the adjacent seat, but i just said i'll be fine. the pain and locked up feeling didn't start easing off until we stopped at Walmart afterward and i was walking around a bit, leaning on the cart.

i don't know what i'm gonna do. i really wish the physical therapist i saw at this place before was still working there. her and the assistant i was working with before really worked wonders for me. if it hadn't have been for the hernia i suffered earlier this year which set back all my progress on managing my back pain, i really think i would have been on the road to near complete mitigation. now i just don't know about that anymore.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
TLDR version?
SrRd_RacinG posted...
TLDR version?
It don't matter. None of this matters.
I'm really sorry to hear that OP. I wish I had advice I could give
I still disagree with this new therapist's whole "you gotta push thru the pain" bullshit. I'm sorry but any physical therapist worth their salt will have knowledge of various methods and alternatives to achieving desired results.

I know you're in a tough situation, but if you can find someone else, please do.
When in doubt, do something.
Doe posted...
I'm really sorry to hear that OP. I wish I had advice I could give
thank you.

Aridi posted...
I still disagree with this new therapist's whole "you gotta push thru the pain" bullshit. I'm sorry but any physical therapist worth their salt will have knowledge of various methods and alternatives to achieving desired results.

I know you're in a tough situation, but if you can find someone else, please do.
well, basically every physical therapist i've been to believes at least somewhat in the whole push through the pain thing, and i do too tbh, but there's good pain and there's bad pain. like, when i do one of the hamstring stretches she has me do, when you are really stretching it, it doesn't exactly feel pleasant when you're doing it, but you can feel that it was a good stretch afterward and you feel more limber and less stoved up. then there's bad pain where you feel more stoved up afterward. that's definitely what this pain was. and to her credit, she did have me stop the stretch we were doing when it was giving me too much discomfort. and the second stretch we had to stop, she asked me beforehand if i wanted to try it or just move on to the TENS unit and icepack, and i said i would at least try it. but maybe i shouldn't have. i think i will give her one more shot. she asked me today how i had been doing this past week and how i felt after last session, and i told her i did feel a little better, a little more limber, but i am definitely going to tell her next time that this session did not feel good at all and felt like it did more harm than good. i'll see how she responds and if she's willing to pivot to different avenues of addressing my condition.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
I give you credit for sticking with it and trying to manage. How did you hurt your back? My experience with therapists mostly boils down to sports. Ankle, knee, and shoulder. Never had any surgeries for any of them, thankfully.
When in doubt, do something.
DoesntMatter posted...
went in. i'm really not sure about this new physical therapist. she was having me do some stretches laying down on a PT table, some of which eased the pain and stiffness in my upper back that was flaring up today, but which made the main pain in my lower back and hip flare up even more. there were two different stretches that i had to just stop doing because it was making this one spot on my right hip flare up with a sharp shooting pain and feel like it was getting locked up or something. it was not the kind of pain that was good pain from working the muscle the way it needs to be worked, it was just bad.

at the end of the session they put a TENS unit and an icepack on you and have you lay down for like 15 minutes and decompress, but i was still in pain the whole time and could barely find a comfortable position to even lay down in. when it was time to get up, it took a lot of effort and was very painful. i could barely walk after. i had significant difficulty hobbling across the room up to the front counter to make my next appointment. people were staring. the receptionist asked me if i was okay and i said not really, and one of the other patients in the waiting room area asked if i needed to sit down and started picking up her purse and things from the adjacent seat, but i just said i'll be fine. the pain and locked up feeling didn't start easing off until we stopped at Walmart afterward and i was walking around a bit, leaning on the cart.

i don't know what i'm gonna do. i really wish the physical therapist i saw at this place before was still working there. her and the assistant i was working with before really worked wonders for me. if it hadn't have been for the hernia i suffered earlier this year which set back all my progress on managing my back pain, i really think i would have been on the road to near complete mitigation. now i just don't know about that anymore.

warning: A friend of mine fucked up his meniscus in muay thai. He had surgery and PT was ordered.

The PT woman said he was "doing very well" and went very fast on the progress and fucked up his meniscus and he needed a 2nd surgery.

Don't let PT people push you around, push back if you feel pain and take it slowly
So post. Much gamefaqs. Wow.
Aridi posted...
I give you credit for sticking with it and trying to manage. How did you hurt your back? My experience with therapists mostly boils down to sports. Ankle, knee, and shoulder. Never had any surgeries for any of them, thankfully.
i didn't really do any singular thing to hurt my back. i have hereditary idiopathic scoliosis, with a lumbar curvature and a thoracic curvature both medically classified as severe, and i have a history of chronic back pain and other conditions mostly due to that. it got worse when i quit my job working at Walmart back in 2015 or so because i felt like being on my feet all day and being expected to lift heavy things and whatnot was making the condition with my back progressively worse, but when i became unemployed i let myself become really sedentary and gained a lot of weight, and that deconditioning just made everything worse. i didn't have any insurance anymore of course, since i quit my job, and for awhile there it was just getting worse and worse and i didn't see a way that i could address it or try to make it better, outside of changing my eating habits and trying to lose weight, which i did start doing in 2019.

then in 2020 i got on free Obamacare with the help of a social worker and finally was able to see doctors about it and get it addressed. i did 3 rounds of 18 sessions throughout 2020 and 2021 and it did wonders for me. i had been continuing the at-home regiment those physical therapists set up for me, as well as the light dumbbell routine i dovetailed into from that with their guidance, and it was going great up until i suffered the hernia back in June or so this year. i was advised to cease any strenuous physical activity, especially core-engaging activity, for the duration of until i could get the hernia addressed AND for the prolonged recovery period after the surgery, and so i had been unable to do any of the exercises to address my back pain in all that time and i went back nearly to square one. i looked up the same PT place i went to before when i was finally cleared to start it back up, but the people who treated me before no longer work there. and so that's where i'm at.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
The_shibe posted...
warning: A friend of mine fucked up his meniscus in muay thai. He had surgery and PT was ordered.

The PT woman said he was "doing very well" and went very fast on the progress and fucked up his meniscus and he needed a 2nd surgery.

Don't let PT people push you around, push back if you feel pain and take it slowly
yeah i have definitely stuck up for myself and pushed back when i felt like i needed to, a couple times already. but as far as going too fast, unfortunately that's not the case. my sessions this time are about half as long as they were before. i feel like more should be being done. more of.... something. definitely not more of what she's doing that's making the pain flare up.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
Current Events » ugh... i came out of the physical therapist appt today in more pain than when i