we communicate in memes like Tamarians communicate in allegories

Current Events

Current Events » we communicate in memes like Tamarians communicate in allegories
crying woman pointing accusatorially at cat
It don't matter. None of this matters.
The star-spangled man indicating his pop culture knowledge.
Pikachu, his expression shocked
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
Bane knowledge bigness would become pain
Vote for me, 2016!
Rick Astley, singing
Kremlin delenda est
Man fan, laying dead, the room shot up.
distracted man, his girlfriend upset
It don't matter. None of this matters.
wise reptile in contemplation
walk like thunder
Expressing concern for a loved one's health after they show lack of interest in a foodstuff of questionable quality
And who are you, my little friend? Not a spoon... not a fork... but something in between. A fpoon. What will you think of next, Germany?
A drunken woman, the man uncomfortable.
I'm Queen of Tomorrow baby! Remember: heat from fire, fire from heat!
The white owl is asking.
Clarkson, with sarcastically feigned concern
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
Let me try again.

Darmok, her world swaying, Jalad searching for Tanagra.

NGL, this is fucking hard.
I'm Queen of Tomorrow baby! Remember: heat from fire, fire from heat!
the boy realizing school would occur for many years and not a single day
Connery, bestowing honor

The dog, now man
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Current Events » we communicate in memes like Tamarians communicate in allegories