leaning towards dropping out of school

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1. Imposter Syndrome is a very real thing. Not necessarily saying you're suffering from it, but I think you'd agree there are at least a few signs or symptoms. It might not be a bad idea to talk to a therapist, even if it's only for a couple of sessions, just to get some more meaningful insight into your personal situation. And at the very least, even if it's not imposter syndrome, you can learn some tools to help deal with self-doubt when it crops up.

2. Knowing how to do computer science stuff with a PC does not mean you automatically have (or need) the same level of understanding about phones. I've never needed to jailbreak my PC. And I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to do it to my phone. But I've got a little coding experience and I'm still the resident tech support for basically all of my family and friends.

3. The concept of "computer science" is so goddamn broad and all-encompassing that you can absolutely be CS major and get a CS degree while not knowing the first thing about 90% of what a computer does. Follow your passion, whether that means continuing with the degree, dropping out to pursue something more fulfilling, or just simply continuing your education but switching majors. That's what I did. Started in CS, ended up graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.

I will say one thing I've learned in my experience. It's better to fail than to give up. If you fail, you know the outcome and you can grow and change and move forward. If you give up, you don't know what could've happened and you've already convinced yourself it's ok to just quit when you struggle. And that bar for when something is "too hard" has a nasty tendency to keep getting lower each time.
PSN ID: Aristoph