My wife has had her cancer surgery

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Error1355 posted...
I agree with 'fuck cancer'. I've seen too many lives ruined over it.

I'm glad it sounds like you guys caught it early and hopefully it's smooth sailing from here.

Honestly nothing but the best of luck to you guys.

Thank you. Its been a weird year.

Just before Christmas my mother in law was diagnosed with an equally unusual, but much more advanced cancer. Shes now doing well, as well.

My wifes was discovered a few days of 10 years from when my dad found out he had terminal cancer. So that added a certain spin to things.

Her surgeon confirmed shell probably be discharged on Monday, shes progressing so well.

My wifes gonna be staying with her parents on account of no kids and far fewer stairs. So its still gonna be 4 weeks of single dadding it, but so far the kids have been great, and all the nervous energy Ive had over the last two days means the house is cleaner than its been for ages.
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