Im starting to notice depressive thoughts again

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Current Events » Im starting to notice depressive thoughts again
Don't want to say the specific word because mods are so trigger happy recently. But anyway even though I have my internship at this fortune 500 I guess I'm frustrated with my home life because I have to be living with my parents again for access to the job. My dad criticizes me for eating fast food but then he and my mom don't cook dinner or get groceries so what am I supposed to do? My mom has always chastised me for being fat even though I grew up fat due to the environment they made (they're fat too of course). And my cat got crushed by the garage so I don't have him anymore. My room is always ten degrees hotter than the rest of the house and some days i sweat while just sitting there. And finally the internet connection is terrible here so it's hard to do so little as even play jackbox with my friends through discord.
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buy a fan for your room
CryoForceOmelet posted...
My room is always ten degrees hotter than the rest of the house and some days i sweat while just sitting there
You can get a competent window AC unit for like $140 if this is a real issue. I bought one a few years back for my bedroom to offset the fact that my dad keeps the apartment at 80 degrees everywhere else.
I write Naruto Fanfiction.
But I am definitely not a furry.
Get groceries and cook yourself
Try to find some place else to live
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Current Events » Im starting to notice depressive thoughts again