ATTN: people who have worked in retail

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Current Events » ATTN: people who have worked in retail
What are some things that pissed you off the most about customers?

One thing that always annoyed me is when they come come up to you on the phone and continue to finish their conversation without telling you exactly what they need. Like if I didnt have others customers to help out.
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Customer: Do you have thing?
Me: Nope, we're all out.
Customer: Can you check in back?
Me: Sure *hangs out in the back for a couple of minutes*
Me: Still out of it.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
People who walk in 2 minutes before the store closes and mess up all my beautiful folds and finger spaces hangers on the rack

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
"I want something cheap and comfortable!"
Me: "There is no such thing, it is one or the other."

Coupon grubbers and beggars are the main people who really annoyed me. I cannot just give you a coupon just because you asked. I actually liked when customers got angry, was always entertaining.
~Bird Pokemon Master~
Latest Pickup: YEEZY Slides (Onyx)
The thing I always hated most was rich people who think they can get whatever they want just cuz they are rich. They never know how to accept no for an answer.
People being really pushy about asking for discounts when I literally wasn't allowed to give them

My camping store was a massive chain with set prices and strict regulations across the state but had this kind of mum and pop vibe(rustic architecture) so customers felt comfortable trying to barter and haggle as if it was a used car lot. I'd say would you ask for a discount at Kmart? Man it got annoying.... the amount of times I'd get "best price you can do on this tent buddy?" So glad I quit
Started from the bottom now we here
Customers rarely piss me off if ever. It's the coworkers that piss me off.
Don't Stress, Become #Fresh
Were_Wyrm posted...
Customer: Do you have thing?
Me: Nope, we're all out.
Customer: Can you check in back?
Me: Sure *hangs out in the back for a couple of minutes*
Me: Still out of it.
And it's amazing how many people are ok with it if you do that instead of going on a rant about how you never have the thing.
Paula Wood. My love, my life. 1980-2021
M_Live posted...
"Can you check in the back"

I was the inventory manager I pretty much always knew what we did/didn't have

Usually this happens when the website says it is in stock.
So why didn't the website inventory update?
I just see the same customers so much. Felt like the truman show
Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
WingsOfGood posted...
Usually this happens when the website says it is in stock.
So why didn't the website inventory update?
Counts are probably off.
It's pretty common that the warehouse accidentally sends you a similar item that you don't need, thinking that it was a product that you do need.
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
People who meet a friend they haven't seen in a while and proceed to have a long conversation right in the path of everyone else. Usually with shopping carts. I have legit seen people talk for half an hour like this. The world does not stop for you; get out of the way or part ways and make a goddamn phone call later.

People with out of control or screaming children who literally do absolutely nothing to keep them behaved and quiet.

People who put something in their cart, later decide they don't want it, and just leave it on the nearest shelf instead of putting it back where they found it.

People who enter employee-only areas to try and get what they want. Learn to read and stay the fuck out, you entitled prick.

Also, all of this, but adjusted to a grocery store rather than IKEA:
Heartomaton for President 2028.
People who bring their kids in and didnt watch them whatsoever as they run screaming through the store and then cop and attitude with you for politely asking them to stop. Usually having a loud conversation on their cell phones as if theyre the only customer in the place.
Big doinks in Amish
People not understanding return policies. Those people that will come in when the store is going to close. People that ignore me greeting them kind pisses me off a bit too.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
I worked at a corner store for a few months. Lotto people drove me crazy. They always felt like the could cut in line, or hold the line with their purchases (buy a scratch off, check it, if they win buy more). Then there were quick draw players who would spend 2-3 hours throwing hundreds of dollars away several days a week, then buy a bunch of stuff on food stamps. There was one dude who brought his 2 year old son while be did quick draw for a few hours and kept yelling at his kid about wanting a toy. He dropped like 150 over 2 hours but couldn't buy a 2 dollar toy so he'd have something to do.
We all ate the biscuits, Fighter. We can all see through time. [ER]
Bitch tried to get me fired at Best Buy (1998-2000).

I worked in the Media Dept (games/movies/cd's).
This mom comes in wanting to get a game for her kid. So she comes to me and asks about a bunch of games and everything else (rating system, save size) . I ask her the age of the son she is looking to buy them for, she says he's 7. I then tell her its completely up to her but said game isnt meant for a 7 year old cause of the blood and cussing in it. She was like he'll be fine its ok.

So she goes and buys him the game. THE VERY NEXT DAY she back in the store yelling she wants to speak to someone in charge and have me fired.

My Dept Manager walks over to her and takes her to the meeting room. She also asks me to come to the room. I get in there, I don't even say a word. This lady is still yelling that i let her buy this game for her kid. My Dept Manager then nicely says "Ma'am, I was there yesterday when you were asking him about the video games. I was reshelving the game shelfs while he was talking to you about them. I clearly remember him telling you about it and you still bought it anyway even after he told you it wasn't age appropriate for your son. That's on you for being a stupid bitch not him.

My boss then got up, looked at me, said we got stuff to do and then we walked back to the dept.

I loved her as a boss til she turned into one herself. One of her little snitches in our Dept said I made her look stupid to a customer. See she was about the sales. I'm about honesty. If I lie to someone they aren't going to want to come back and buy from me again, you know.

M_Live posted...
"Can you check in the back"

I disagree with this. Going to the back to check meant a free five minute break. And I actually did find something at least once.

You've got to change your evil ways
WingsOfGood posted...
Usually this happens when the website says it is in stock.
So why didn't the website inventory update?

It doesn't take into account orders from online.

Like when say a case of GIJOE Classified comes in and they go to stock it on the shelf. They scan each figure as they put them on the shelf. Oh this Dr Mindbender scanned as ordered , so it goes back on the cart to fill the order in back.
Relient_K posted...
I worked at a corner store for a few months. Lotto people drove me crazy. They always felt like the could cut in line, or hold the line with their purchases (buy a scratch off, check it, if they win buy more). Then there were quick draw players who would spend 2-3 hours throwing hundreds of dollars away several days a week, then buy a bunch of stuff on food stamps. There was one dude who brought his 2 year old son while be did quick draw for a few hours and kept yelling at his kid about wanting a toy. He dropped like 150 over 2 hours but couldn't buy a 2 dollar toy so he'd have something to do.

This part is especially sad :/

Seconding the Scott Seiss videos. And yes. They all happen constantly.
People who argued with me when I couldn't take their expired coupons

I'd even hold it up in front of them and scan it with the little scanner gun thing and then turn the monitor to show the "coupon expired" error and they'd be like "JUST MANUALLY PUT IT IN"

Bitch I can't, and even if I could I'm not getting fired so you can save 10 cents on a box of cheerios
i stocked shelves at a grocery store for like eight years during school. the number of people who got mad at me because we were either out of something, or just didn't carry it, just blew my mind. sorry, but i am a $8/hour employee who just takes what is in the back and puts it on the shelf. i don't order product, or decide what products my store carries. and i especially don't control what products the companies decide to stop making.
Playing: Yakuza 6
I hope something good happens to you today
An item was on sale, and a woman was arguing with me about what the final price was supposed to be. I ended up pulling out a calculator to show her that she was wrong and she still kept arguing.

People trying to return things that are clearly well past the return window on the receipt.

I asked this one guy if he needed help finding anything and he went on a racist rant about black people.

This woman got denied for a store credit card and was arguing with me like I personally denied the application.
A woman once got pissed at me because her toddler vomited all over the floor. I was standing right there when it happened, and she was furious because I didn't leap into action to clean the vomit. Even though I did clean the vomit . I just didn't do it fast enough to meet her approval. "Fast enough" meaning "the instant that it hit the ground."

I'll never forget that. Gotta be one of the worst experiences working retail I ever had. She stood over me the whole time while I was cleaning it up, and kept lecturing me and giving me nasty looks. My job didn't even involve janitorial work, so technically it wasn't my responsibility to clean it. But it was such a mess that I couldn't just leave it there.

It felt like one of those things where, by lashing out at me, she was trying to avoid taking responsibility herself. Like it's not her fault. It's not her kid's fault. It's my fault somehow. Really demoralizing and dehumanizing, honestly, to be sitting there on my hands and knees, mopping up this kid's vomit, while the mother is insulting me.

This happened at a supermarket where I worked for a few years in college. I was also there on another occasion during a knife attack. The security guard tried to detain the attacker and got stabbed in the leg. Hit a major artery. Literally almost died from bleeding out so much. There was so much blood, it was like a little lake. The floor eventually had to be ripped up and replaced because all the tiles were stained from the blood.

Those are two of my "working retail is so fun" stories.
The owls are not what they seem.
People who are upset at their own purchase/stupidity and try to take it out on you, like fuck off I don't give two shits, it doesn't constitute an emergency for me or doing something above my paygrade.

I love that I have such a stoic face, people can rant all day long and they'll see my face never changed and just give up
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Scan item
Scanner doesn't scan item

Customer: Uh-hyuk, I guess it's free......

Me: *ready to destroy this person*
You really think this is a sig you're reading?
Boomers are the worst...that's #1.

People who name drop the old owner, who was a psycho bitch from what I've heard. ~She died two years ago.
Same people who tell you they've been going there for basically they are saying they ragging alcoholics.

People who buy an insane about of stupid shit...then ask you to carry it out, then fail to at least put their cart back. ((And don't even tip like $2))
~Cart mitigation, in general...

Fellow retail workers who have never spent a moment is a service industry and can't handle a situation to save their lives.

Old guys who tap their cards on the table.

Our computer system or OS is at least 20 years old.

...Some other stuff.
"Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I wish I was with you." ~Carl Sagan.
Currently playing: Flight Simulator X.~PC
SF_Okami posted...
"I want something cheap and comfortable!"
Me: "There is no such thing, it is one or the other."

Coupon grubbers and beggars are the main people who really annoyed me. I cannot just give you a coupon just because you asked. I actually liked when customers got angry, was always entertaining.
Yea but u totally could just give ppl coupons.
( o _o)
TheOnionKnight posted...
She stood over me the whole time while I was cleaning it up, and kept lecturing me and giving me nasty looks.

The best thing to do with people like this is every time they make a comment, stop what you're doing so you can respond to them. Be annoyingly thorough. Eventually they'll clue in that their bitching is holding them up, and they'll shut up.

We had a lady receiving a money transfer once, and she was pissed that she had to go back to her car for her ID (yeah, you have to prove the money is intended for you, what a shock). She was bitching and swearing while I processed it. Every time she made a comment, I put my hands down, looked away from the screen and responded. Then I would wait a few seconds to see if she was done before going back to it.

The best part: When we do large amounts of cash ($100 or more) I put every single bill on the counter, one at a time, so if they have to review video they can see how much I put down. I was halfway through when she said "I'm not stupid, you don't have to count it for me." So I explained that I have to do it that way for the cameras, and then said "Now I have to start over." Oh she was MAD. It was great.
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
MisterPengy posted...
The best thing to do with people like this is every time they make a comment, stop what you're doing so you can respond to them. Be annoyingly thorough. Eventually they'll clue in that their bitching is holding them up, and they'll shut up.

We had a lady receiving a money transfer once, and she was pissed that she had to go back to her car for her ID (yeah, you have to prove the money is intended for you, what a shock). She was bitching and swearing while I processed it. Every time she made a comment, I put my hands down, looked away from the screen and responded. Then I would wait a few seconds to see if she was done before going back to it.

The best part: When we do large amounts of cash ($100 or more) I put every single bill on the counter, one at a time, so if they have to review video they can see how much I put down. I was halfway through when she said "I'm not stupid, you don't have to count it for me." So I explained that I have to do it that way for the cameras, and then said "Now I have to start over." Oh she was MAD. It was great.
Whoopsadoodle. I appear to have lost count LMAO
You really think this is a sig you're reading?
Post #33 was unavailable or deleted.
Especially when they meet someone that they haven't seen in a while and have a long conversation in the middle of the aisle which no one can get through. They are pissing off everyone.
Oh to add any customer that comes in the store and just coughs openly in the air more so doing this pandemic which is still why I wear a mask
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Haggling drives me up the goddamn wall.
In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
AldousIsDead posted...
Haggling drives me up the goddamn wall.

This and people who just will not take "no" for an answer.

Cust: Hey can you mark this down, the box is damaged

Me: See this label? It's already marked down due to box damage

Cust: Well yeah but how about you mark it down more anyway?

Me: No

Cust: Yeah but...

Me: NO

Cust: Well -

Me: Ain't gonna happen. Walks Away
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
Too many things to count.

I really disliked collectors though. They'd all run, yes, run to the Hotwheels section and see if we stocked any new cars the instant the store opened. One morning I made an obstacle course made out of diaper boxes on the main drag. Now that was entertaining.

Another time the store was closed, it was 11 pm, but a lady was still trying to shop. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her try to get in my aisle, so I started shoving boxes at her cart so she couldn't get by.

Then there was the lady that wanted to come into the back room and go through our hot wheels boxes for a car. She said she drove an hour to get to the store.

Nintendrone/PC Elitist 16 GB 6700k GTX 1070
Cards/Suns/'Yotes/Diamondbacks/ASU Fan
Customer: I'm never shopping here again

And? I didn't know you shopped here in the first place.
Where is (insert item they could have easily found if they read the signs)?

No I dont need a basket or cart. *drops one of the 15+ items they are struggling to carry, and its always glass*

Do you know if theres anyone in the bathroom?

Wheres the half and half? Its not here! *ignored giant colorful sign that says where the half and half has been moved tofor over a year*

do you have any bananas that are more yellow?
No but I can tell you a simple trick to ripen your bananas faster.
No thanks Im not interested.

Dont tell me you havent carried [blank] in years, I buy [blank] from here ALL THE TIME!

Im a diabetic! Are you trying to kill my you ******.

Not a sentence but we had to station someone at the newspapers on 11/17/2020 because old people kept turning over the newspapers that said Biden wonall fucking day.

Do you have watermelon thats in season? They say in October.

Do you have any local corn?!
"I'm a Republican damn it! The only sense of shame I have is the deep rooted sexual kind!" - from the show Inside Job.
AldousIsDead posted...
Haggling drives me up the goddamn wall.

I remember haggling with a customer once.

Me: 10 dollars.
Her: 5 dollars
Me: 9 Dolllars
Her: That's not the way it's supposed to work.
Me; 9 Dollars
Nintendrone/PC Elitist 16 GB 6700k GTX 1070
Cards/Suns/'Yotes/Diamondbacks/ASU Fan
For me, resellers coming in and wanting to buy every computer/gaming console/hot item we have. That by itself is fine. It's the fact I and several others have explained to them there is a limit of 1 per customer per day, and they always act like they didn't know or have never been there before and getting super pissy over it. Even to the store manager.

Yes, I know they are resellers too, for their store was across the plaza, and hidden marks I purposely left on likely items were on their inventory when I checked.
My Mario Maker 2 ID is 6RG-5XK-JCG
Post #43 was unavailable or deleted.
Customers waltzing into break rooms or any other employee only areas piss me off right to the core.

Like, where else do you go that this is okay? Do these same people stick their head in the kitchen at restaurants when their food isn't arriving as soon as they want? Fucking entitled shitheels.

People wandering in our break room is about the only time when our managers will turn a blind eye to (or at the very least brush aside) any incidents of employees telling customers to fuck off.

The break room is our only space (other than going outside) that we have to get away from these fucking bottom feeders, the least they could do is respect that and not snoop where they aren't supposed to be.
A customer got pretty belligerent over a particular kind of cat food. I tried explaining that the items in that area were on recall and there wasnt any way to order any in until the recall was over and even tried offering alternatives but they werent having any of it. The next day I found out they made a Facebook post with make this guy famous because I denied their cat the food they wanted.

Cat customers were always the worst.
Feel the love...
Shamino posted...
I remember haggling with a customer once.

Me: 10 dollars.
Her: 5 dollars
Me: 9 Dolllars
Her: That's not the way it's supposed to work.
Me; 9 Dollars
I forgot haggling, once when a customer tried to haggle and I upped the price just to see what theyd do they became enraged and said You cant do that.
"I'm a Republican damn it! The only sense of shame I have is the deep rooted sexual kind!" - from the show Inside Job.
Oh another one to add.

Anytime a kid calls to ask a question over the phone or anytime a phone conversation goes on far longer cus the customer keeps asking questions on top of questions
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
I had a lady try to return a garden hose when I worked at Dollar General once. She had the receipt. It was from a year prior, and the hose was not rolled up and still in the package, there was no package and it was covered with mud because clearly she had been using it for a fucking year.

She got pissed when I wouldn't accept the return lol
All these stories make me so glad i'm not in retail anymore. Now when people get belligerent or they try to go somewhere they aren't supposed to, they get arrested or told to leave the building.

Also have the benefit of starting monday every person i'll see is 70% likely to already be in handcuffs
Enough ragging on customers, or guests as some places call them.

I hated when floor people would bring their cardboard to the back and just leave it there. Then someone else would do the same thing. Pretty soon there was 10 carts of cardboard sitting by the baler because no one would take care of their own cardboard. Then whoever was working in the back (me) would have to clean up the mess after I had stocked all my stuff.

About returning stuff, Target used to have a veeeery liberal return policy. I remember one guy coming to the garden section looking to exchange a weed eater. So I called guest service.

Me: We don't carry this weed eater.
GS: Well find another one
Me: It's used.
GS: We have to exchange it
Me: He doesn't have receipt. Did he buy it here?
GS: Just give him one
Me: .....
Nintendrone/PC Elitist 16 GB 6700k GTX 1070
Cards/Suns/'Yotes/Diamondbacks/ASU Fan
Current Events » ATTN: people who have worked in retail
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