Noraneko_Vel is WARNED

Current Events

Aitz posted...
My fellow Kokomi lover got warned!?

And it never had a meaning in the end coz the warning status allows people to continue posting with minimal restrictions and the moderation team stopped doing the meaningless alt witch hunts.

It was pretty surprising how agressive the group mentality on this board is, violently rejecting and torching people for having different opinions and attempting discussion.

But hey, if the people on this board enjoy effectively talking to themselves, because disagreeing is offensive, I'll let them be. I just prefered considering the perspectives of both sides (culprit/victim, right/wrong etc) before judging who is evil, or if there is evil at all.

If liking music games and having a dance video in my signature makes me evil here, I'll just interact with people who are more open-minded in other places instead.
This is my new wife. It's Schrodingers Wife. As long as the box isnt opened, I can continue having multiple possibilities for my ideal wife!