How much more $ would you want to work a similar job in Dubai?

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Current Events » How much more $ would you want to work a similar job in Dubai?
How much more $ would get you to move Dubai?

I was approached about meeting with someone that is setting up a company in the UAE that may be interested in hiring me to do a similar job as I have now but in Dubai. I have a pretty cushy job right now that is flexible with scheduling not too much stress but doesnt pay great. Im ok with lower pay because the benefits are great and Im kind of my own boss. Legal sector and I make over 150k, with a wife and a baby.

Im open to a move like this but cant figure out what it would take to make it happen. Its fun to think about asking for a ton of money but I also want to have a realistic idea going into the meeting.

Isnt there no income tax in Dubai? Or do you still have to pay taxes to your home country (US?) for the first year or something
Future New York Jet
TrevorLawrence posted...
Isnt there no income tax in Dubai? Or do you still have to pay taxes to your home country (US?) for the first year or something
The US always wants you to pay taxes even if you don't live in the country anymore.
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JustMyOpinion posted...
To either not see my wife or kid or to move them to UAE? I think that goes beyond money.
Yeah and keep in mind the Middle East isn't the most stable area. The UAE isn't so bad, but there have been recent terrorist attacks in the country. That's something to factor in your calculations too.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
IIRC UAE is one of the safest countries in the area because crime laws are so strict. That and because Dubai is fast becoming a tourist destination so it seems they hold safety to a pretty important level.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
No thanks. I don't want to accidentally break some stupid archaic law and get sentenced to death for it.
At 150k a year in your case it's probabaly not worth. Idk what your current cost of living is but I can't imagine even a 100% boost making that big a deal in the US outside of a very small pool of areas.

But for people me in middle class, a 100% would be a major upgrade. So I'd probabaly take it.

3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
I guess I could be a mercenary

Or a direct equivalent to my job (title) would be a truck driver

Would not want to drive roads in the middle east. MFers drive fucking insane.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
at this point of my life, no amount of money could entice me to move to UAE
A Flock Descends Into the Pentagonal Garden
Well personally I don't like heat, so I wouldn't move to Arizona or Nevada for less than a 100% raise, then you factor in their archaic laws and blatant disregard for human rights? Nah.

And before you think "Well that only happens to locals, foreigners are treated like kings.". No they're not.

And that's far from the only example.
Ryven posted...
IIRC UAE is one of the safest countries in the area because crime laws are so strict.

Assuming you only need to be safe from petty crime, and not from corporate / police corruption, that is.
No added Trumbles or flavors.
Current Events » How much more $ would you want to work a similar job in Dubai?