Is Omicron the final boss?

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Current Events » Is Omicron the final boss?
Optimus Prime

"Context Matters"
Intel 486, Integrated videocard, 16MB RAM, 64MB HD, 3 1/4 inch floppy
Zelda is the final boss
Life is just a journey from the maternity ward to the crematorium. waifu courtesy of bnui_ransder
Omega variant

SquantoZ posted...

I got this ice box where my heart used to be!
Life feels like one big gamble and I'm losing every bet.
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Omicron vs Necron

which do you prefer?
More like the second Gargoyle from Dark Souls
Omicron Ultron-Sigma
LordYeezus posted...
I got this ice box where my heart used to be!

Thanks for the COVID-19

"Context Matters"
I'm no virologist so correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't some first reports after cases saying that Omnicron variant is more mild?

Which if I'm not mistaken is usually how life cycle of viruses goes? Mutate themselves to death essentially?

With the fear being the time a virus mutates into a stronger variant and just wipes us out. Idk this might be all wrong or a major oversimplification
LoL IGN: MsRaffensperger
I hope so.
No, David Cage is
Murphiroth posted...
No, David Cage is
Pray tell why, good patron of the boards
It's probably going to be Sigma. Usually is.
And if you wanna get specific it's gonna be either Sigma's 2nd or 3rd form.
Still waiting on that third threat
Post #17 was unavailable or deleted.
Back_Stabbath posted...
Omega variant

Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
Xethuminra posted...
Pray tell why, good patron of the boards

If you know you know
Gladius_ posted...
It's too early to tell we are getting conflicting reports of it.

LoL IGN: MsRaffensperger
Last I checked, the Greek alphabet has 24 letters. Call me when they get to omega.
Omicron is like death from castlevania.
The next variant will be dracula.
If you can see this message it's a wonder why it hasn't been modded yet by the snowflakes.
SergeantGander posted... I'm no virologist so correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't some first reports after cases saying that Omnicron variant is more mild?

Which if I'm not mistaken is usually how life cycle of viruses goes? Mutate themselves to death essentially?
On Omicron specifically - there's some early reports, yes, but there isn't really enough evidence to say either way yet. A lot of the more severe cases start as mild ones that get worse instead of recovering, for starters. There were early similar claims around Alpha and Delta as well, and while from memory I think they may have held true for Alpha (I don't really recall for sure), Delta seems to be slightly more dangerous than earlier variants once you control for the difference in vaccination rates now compared to when earlier variants were the ones circulating.

On viruses in general - that's the theoretically ideal path for them to take under normal conditions, but ultimately, mutations are random. They establish themself because if a mutation is favorable, the virus carrying it will generally survive and make more copies of itself, eventually outcompeting the ones without the mutation (whereas an unfavorable mutation is likely to die out - but neither of these are guaranteed, just likely; a good one could get unlucky and die out early, or a bad one could get lucky and establish itself). And yes - this would generally favor a mild illness (because people with mild illnesses are less likely to avoid contact with others and/or seek treatment that may interfere with the virus's reproduction), but a highly contagious one (for obvious reasons). But we can see exceptions to the normal pattern in history when there's abnormal circumstances - the Spanish Flu, and how it adapted to these conditions being inverted in war time (mild illness = the person keeps fighting with limited close contact with others; severe illness = dragged off to a military hospital where there's lots of people), is the most infamous example. So, either a situation where higher severity is favorable for some reason, or just luck going in the wrong direction, could still lead to the outcome of a worse virus - even though it's the less likely path.

tl;dr: Not enough evidence yet on Omicron's severity; your idea about the general trend of viruses is the most likely course but not the only possible outcome.
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Back_Stabbath posted...
Omega variant

I often wonder if we are growing as a people... or in fact, regressing.
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Omicron is like the final Sephiroth fight in FFVII, seems really epic, but no matter what attack you do, you automatically win in 1 hit.
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Current Events » Is Omicron the final boss?