What's the best Tetris to get on Switch?

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Current Events » What's the best Tetris to get on Switch?
I just want to play two player versus like old school Tetris. I see that there are like three versions of Tetris on Switch but which is the best to play on one Switch?
Sam and Robert are the hitch-hikers on the road.
--Necronomicon incantation (The Evil Dead)
I think it's Puyo Tetris 2, but I don't own it so not 100%.
"You're sorely underestimating the power of nostalgia goggles." - adjl
From what I hear it comes down to Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 and Tetris Effect. And Tetris 99
Patient Gamer
Tetris 99 has some good solo modes along with its multiplayer.

Havent been able to play Tetris:Effect Connected on it it but I loved the original on PS4. And its not easy
Tetris:Effect Connected is amazing on the SX
GT My Lord Shadow
"Your Grace, please, the people have surrendered..." "I didn't offer surrender."
Current Events » What's the best Tetris to get on Switch?