Samus design in Prime 1 is really odd compared to all the other games.

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The Popo posted...
I feel Ike GameFAQs says like 4 outta every 5 images I try using are invalid.

Whenever it happens, I just take a screenshot of the pic, crop it, and use that.

It shouldn't happen that often, but what I believe happens is that Gamefaqs will assign a string of characters to the image, but every so often it assigns ones that don't work or contain an offensive word (happened to me).

The reason a re-upload doesn't work is because gamefaqs saves on data by checking any new image against the existing images to make sure it's not a duplicate, and if it is a duplicate assigns it the same string of characters.

So yeah, cropping and re-uploading (or really anything that would change the byte data) should fix the problem.
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