If you get $2k instead of $600 will you thank Trump?

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Current Events » If you get $2k instead of $600 will you thank Trump?
Yesterday everyone was complaining about the stimulus and the way the bill was being passed. Now that Trump has said it's too low and won't sign it until it's more, will you give him credit if you end up with more $?
Thank your president kids
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.

Though this feels like a last ditch effort to:
A) Distract from the pardons he gave
B) Create some good will on his way out of office so when he runs in 2024 he can be like "see? I got congress to give you more money than just $600!"
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
this is the first thing he's done that resembles the president he promised to be four years ago lol

he should be thanking americans for not having him thrown in prison till death. he could turn this stimulus into 10,000 and it still wouldn't even begin to make up for everything he's done wrong in his 4 years as president
Considering he's not actually doing it for the people, but instead to make himself look good? Nah.
Wouldn't it stall the current payout if more money is put on the table and they would have to debate about it for half a year?
The Evil Republicans - Est.2004 - WoT
[Government Destabilizing Branch]
Thanks, Trump.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
The Democrats were pushing for higher relief before Trump
Lmao no
why would anyone want to thank trump for killing off stimulus aid?
Taarsidath-an halsaam.
Quando il gioco e finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola
Rathinor posted...
The Democrats were pushing for higher relief before Trump

Voted for Trump, didn't thank him the first time why would I thank him this time?
If Trump gets me $2000 I will swear under oath to have witnessed voting fraud. And I HATE Trump but $$$$ > morals.
I'll acknowledge it as a last good act, even if it was to improve his image. Still won't absolve him of all the other shit but an extra $1400 would make my life so much nicer
I mean, it's a good suggestion by Trump, but he has taken every possible position on a 2nd stimulus. So it's hard to give him credit for this.

He has said the 2nd stimulus bill is too large, too small, won't happen until after the election, and that the direct payments are too small.

It also risks the bill not passing at all and there just being no stimulus.
Blue_Dream87 posted...
I'll acknowledge it as a first good act, even if it was to improve his image. Still won't absolve him of all the other shit but an extra $1400 would make my life so much nicer

Fixed that for you.
More Bush on Obama's Clinton!
What the hell does "should of" mean?
Ill be thankful his revenge tour on the GOP senate will have personally benefited me
I feel like Ratatouille when I'm whipping that cheddar
monkmith posted...
why would anyone want to thank trump for killing off stimulus aid?
I'm worried that this is the much more likely outcome of this.
Every time you read this, squirrels randomly burst into flames. Think of the squirrels.
wackyteen posted...

Though this feels like a last ditch effort to:
A) Distract from the pardons he gave
B) Create some good will on his way out of office so when he runs in 2024 he can be like "see? I got congress to give you more money than just $600!"

C) Make McConnell look like an ass by pressuring him to pass the the stimulus that hes been fighting against for months because he finally turned on Trump by congratulating Biden
It wouldnt surprise me if Trump did this just to get back at McConnell
I will admit I'm wrong if you prove me wrong.
It's how it always should be
"I wont allow stimulus to pass unless everyone gets a billion dollars. Im a HERO for saving you from that $600!"
KlRBEH posted...
C) Make McConnell look like an ass by pressuring him to pass the the stimulus that hes been fighting against for months because he finally turned on Trump by congratulating Biden
I like this
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
I already thanked trump for my $1,200 so anything additional is just gravy
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DepreceV2 posted...
It wouldnt surprise me if Trump did this just to get back at McConnell
Yeah, I'd say that's likely, lol
For actually doing his job? This isnt even a down payment on the lives lost because of that clowns bungling of the pandemic. Fuck Trump.
I miss the days when you could bring a game home and play, no updates to wait for. Now, get off my lawn.
I won't get anything either way, just like I didn't get anything earlier this year
Hes doing it to spite Mitch, not to help us.
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No, taxation is theft. You don't get a thank you for returning money stolen under threat of imprisonment.

I will thank him for not being a puppet of the military industrial complex, China and the permanent government. Trying to keep the American spirit alive and fighting for free and fair elections. He's the folk hero we don't deserve.
Platinum GameFAQs Member
Kolibri X posted...
No, taxation is theft. You don't get a thank you for returning money stolen under threat of imprisonment.

I will thank him for not being a puppet of the military industrial complex, China and the permanent government. Trying to keep the American spirit alive and fighting for free and fair elections. He's the folk hero we don't deserve.
i'm gonna tag you sovereign citizen, you seem to lean pretty heavily that way...
Taarsidath-an halsaam.
Quando il gioco e finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola
Are Trump lovers going to turn away the money because it's a government handout that discourages hard work and adds to the deficit?
When I sin I sin real good.
monkmith posted...
i'm gonna tag you sovereign citizen, you seem to lean pretty heavily that way...

Lol nah, they go too far.
Platinum GameFAQs Member
Southernfatman posted...
Are Trump lovers going to turn away the money because it's a government handout that discourages hard work and adds to the deficit?
i'd imagine a good number of them would immediately donate it to his campaign fund he's been using as a front to pay for legal issues.
Taarsidath-an halsaam.
Quando il gioco e finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola
Fighting for free and fair elections as he attempts a fascist coup to overthrow one. Now thats some doublethink
Yeah, I'll thank Trump. Like fucking Jesus Christ Buddah Kali Vishnu Voldermort Muhammad damn it words aren't magic.

Do you mean buy a plane ticket or something?
Phynaster posted...
Fighting for free and fair elections as he attempts a fascist coup to overthrow one. Now thats some doublethink
I don't wanna argue and get banned right now, but you always crack me up, Rebel.
Platinum GameFAQs Member
Independently verified as secure, free, and fair by governments both domestic and international. Keep shilling for fascists
No? I mean... he isn't my President.....I'd be concerned if he was, since I have a Prime Minister.
Is my receiving the money contingent on thanking him or something
Phynaster posted...
Independently verified as secure, free, and fair by governments both domestic and international. Keep shilling for fascists
Uh huh. Sure thing!
Platinum GameFAQs Member
LMAO! Is @Kolibri_X STILL melting down about the election and crying about voter fraud that no one can seem to prove?
It's funny how right wing news outlets are recanting their claims of widespread voter fraud after being threatened with defamation lawsuits, but people like Kolibri X keep spreading that bullshit.

~60 court cases and the Trump campaign hasn't shown any evidence of widespread fraud at all, but sure it's a credible suggestion. Right.
I mean he's still terrible and I don't trust his motives, but he's actually right on this (not just the low amount in stimulus, but the huge money being tacked onto to a US Covid relieve bill that is going to other countries) so I'll give him credit.
Rathinor posted...
The Democrats were pushing for higher relief before Trump

and yet Trump had to make it happen, they mustve not been pushing too hard
no. he knows it won't happen, he's only saying it to look good. he is complicit with helping people like Mitch fuck us over, nd he only NOW is mad at him for acknowledging Biden won. Fuck him.
"I devour urine just like my Portland Trailblazers, with piss poor defense."
Bleuets posted...
and yet Trump had to make it happen, they mustve not been pushing too hard

Do you understand how bills are passed?
CableZL posted...
Do you understand how bills are passed?
He's a Trump supporter, so most likely no.
Alpha218 posted...
Hes doing it to spite Mitch, not to help us.

Idgaf why he's doing it, $2000 is an ounce of gold, I'll take that all day
"You cannot even beat somebody into that level of stupidity and delusion." Me, on Trump supporters
Leave it in the bank like that $1200 from several months ago.
Rathinor posted...
The Democrats were pushing for higher relief before Trump
Came here to say this. LOL
Fan of the Dallas Mavericks and the Jacksonville Jaguars
Current Events » If you get $2k instead of $600 will you thank Trump?
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