What Stargate series, movies, etc. should I watch, in what order?

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Id say either start with the very first movie from the 90s or just jump straight to SG1. If I remember correctly SG1 acts as a sorta sequel/reboot of the series. I cant remember if SG1 acts as if the movie happened or not, but its also kinda retconned.

the rest of the movies follow up on SG1. So Im pretty sure they would be watched after SG1.

Stargate Atlantis takes place somewhere during SG1 and is very much its own thing. Except for maybe a few spoilers for the over arching plots to SG1 there isnt really any overlap.

Stargate Universe, probably the more controversial series, takes place after the events of SG1/Atlantis from what I remember. Though except for a couple character spoilers for SG1, its also only loosely connected to the other series. This one also has a very different tone and atmosphere. Where as SG1 can be cheesy and campy, SGU is darker and grittier.

Some will say skip this one entirely, but I think its worth checking out.