Son of a cop kills a protestor in Albuquerque

Current Events

Keith_Valentine posted...
Anyone else pretty firmly in the middle notice almost how often someone makes a topic like this... the usual types get outraged.... like 10-20 posts in someone posts a counter link?

And it goes from cop son blasting at will to cops son being chased, attacked, threatened with death? Then he shoots someone. So many times

Like that topic 'guy charges protestors with sword'. Then someone posts the counter link and the protestors are pelting the guy with rocks, he never takes his blade out of the sheath, and they gangbang him and bounce a rock of his head and smash his skull with a skateboard? Think they killed him

It happens a lot. I never believe these links until the topic develops, the same people fall far it over and over. Really makes you wonder about their thinking process

I was JUST thinking about the framing of this topic being one way and then the counter link being another way. The rage crowd comes out on the first page and doesnt do any further digging, rages, and moves on. Lol
2020 said: You're in a Twin Peaks episode