I feel like I owe CE an apology for my recent behavior. (Serious)

Current Events

Current Events » I feel like I owe CE an apology for my recent behavior. (Serious)
Look, let's get straight to the point. I know that over the years I've had a reputation (gimmicks are made up) for being "one of the nice ones", trying to be even-keeled in outrageous topics and the like. And that's fine. That's basically who I am, for better or worse.

I've been scared lately, guys. Really scared. Asthma's been an irritation for a long time - not being able to hold a note as long as I'd like when I sing, for instance - but this pandemic has me on edge, and it's showing. I've been tense enough to start cracking.

So I've been snippy lately. Upset. Lashing out. Even (gasp) confrontational. I've been letting my fear run the show, and I'm sorry. It's not personal, because hell, nothing here really is, I guess.

But still. Y'all deserve a better class of Drew than you've been getting, even if it's been genuine too.

Please tell me other at-risk folks are dealing with this better than I am. How is everyone holding up?
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
It's cool
I dont even know who you are but just try to be a better person and the past barely matters
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
Post #3 was unavailable or deleted.
I dont even know who you are bruh

But I hope you get through this
"This is your last dance."
Are you trying to guilt trip me?
Conflict posted...
With all due respect to you, this is the most ridiculous and unnecessary apology I've ever seen. "I've been a dick to some people on a toxic message board" like c'mon bro. I doubt anybody even remembers anything mean you said
Probably. But I haven't been especially stable lately. I looked through my recent posts, noticed how wildly out of character they seem, and worried. It's what I do, and I very much try not to be a dick.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
Conflict posted...
With all due respect to you, this is the most ridiculous and unnecessary apology I've ever seen. "I've been a dick to some people on a toxic message board" like c'mon bro. I doubt anybody even remembers anything mean you said

Let a man have his moment.
"It feels like I'm always wrong."
"Nah, that's not true...I mean you just made that statement, didn't you?"
The fact that I haven't even noticed and have still thought of you as nice and well mannered either means you're already really nice, or CE is by default really not so much. Or both. Banking on both being true.
Then by that logic, real men are pixies.
Stay strong brother. I know you're going through a tough time right now, and I'm sure you're gonna make it out the other end smiling

PM me (here or on discord) if you wanna talk :)
https://imgur.com/NlyIzM6 ~ Lara Croft and I, as drawn by Harpie!
malenz posted...
The fact that I haven't even noticed and have still thought of you as nice and well mannered either means you're already really nice, or CE is by default really not so much. Or both. Banking on both being true.
Considering the two of us have had some pretty recent disagreements, that's heartening.

I swear, this isn't meant to be masturbatory. I just needed to get something off my chest and get to how people are doing.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
The23rdMagus posted...
Considering the two of us have had some pretty recent disagreements, that's heartening.
people disagree sometimes, I haven't stopped thinking of you as a nice fella :)
Then by that logic, real men are pixies.
is this the toxic masculinity or the opposite of toxic masculinity
i swear to God most of y'all cats just don't know The Trent
you barely know yourself so i guess most of y'all should be offended
idk the only thing I remember about you is your thing for fat girls
OudeGeuze posted...
idk the only thing I remember about you is your thing for fat girls
Ha. See, that's the real reason I'm starting to lose my mind. ;)

It's not. But damn, it's quiet and lonely here.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
I haven't seen anything snippy from you, but okay.

As an at risk person in a hard-hit state where I also care for other at risk folks, I'm just very careful when I go out, and I don't worry the rest of the time because I know I'm safe. But I have access to PPE, disinfectant, and I'm very careful. I don't work an essential job, so I don't have to venture out too much. However I am also very limited on funds, so that kind of sucks.
I use Google... A lot.... >______>
Post #17 was unavailable or deleted.
I think this lockdown is getting to everyone, I've been getting very fucked up lately myself. I can't imagine living in the biggest epicenter of the virus in the world, with a respiratory condition - that shit's scary.

The fact that you can step back, examine your actions and show remorse for actions you're not proud of is a good sign that you're a pretty good dude. Post 3 is like "man it's GameFAQs, you really don't need to apologize", and honestly they're right, but the fact that you did is worth commenting on.
So you don't get to be a saint, martyrs never last this long
Now Playing: Skyrim, Final Fantasy X-2
King Rial posted...
I haven't seen anything snippy from you, but okay.

As an at risk person in a hard-hit state where I also care for other at risk folks, I'm just very careful when I go out, and I don't worry the rest of the time because I know I'm safe. But I have access to PPE, disinfectant, and I'm very careful. I don't work an essential job, so I don't have to venture out too much. However I am also very limited on funds, so that kind of sucks.
I wish I had some manner of reliable PPE. I have one N95 mask left over from a few years back thanks to wildfire smoke.

I know that I'm probably going to need to go out and buy some manner of protein for the next few weeks, and even that is worrisome.

I have no commute, no one to set a post-work schedule except my cat, and all the time in the world to catch up on backlogs and side projects. Instead I find myself passed out on the couch, having never chosen a specific You Suck At Cooking episode to watch.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
Anybody that would keep tabs on you, or tag you as if they think they actually know you based on a few posts you made is probably a weirdo. Unless you're out there robbing and assaulting people you're okay.
Current Events » I feel like I owe CE an apology for my recent behavior. (Serious)