Here's Joe Biden on the coronavirus

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P4wn4g3 posted...
Seems like both the DNC and RNC are irreparable. Let's get rid of both.

we do not have that power

what we CAN do is vote in large enough numbers for progressive candidates that when they lose, they're still able to influence the party

sanders supporters who refused to vote hillary were morons who didn't bother to read her post-july platform, which was heavily influenced by sanders'

the same will be true of biden. yeah, he seems pretty fucking spaced out. but he will put someone in charge of the EPA who does not do this

so try to look past the candidate and your like/dislike of them/what they stand for and realize you're also voting for every person who would be appointed by them, most of whom will do things you like regardless of whether we elect the sharp ancient progressive or the dull ancient moderate

so long as we don't elect the dull ancient nazi we're good, just maybe not great.

the perfect is the enemy of the good, but the fucking shitty is also the enemy of the good.
LittleBigPlanet is like merging dress-up with a real game.