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got my AeroPress. tried it. didn't realize what i was doing and goof'd, but learned things so that's cool. i didn't realize that the thing is basically an espresso maker that creates a concentrate (espresso) that's meant to be treated as such. my usual cup is 16oz and i tried making all of that in the tube at once and poured in way too much water, which meant i couldn't stir well and get a good vacuum suction / pressure in there. i did save the remaining water to pour in after it all dripped down, but i suspect my mistakes affected the final product.

all that said, it definitely tastes a little different. it's less thick/chalky, presumably due to less particles/grinds and there's no oil due to being filtered. i definitely notice a difference in taste vs the French pot. it'll be fun to tinker with the recipe until i get things just exactly perfect.

the cleanup was a lot easier than my FP, which I clean by scoping grinds into the trash can with a spatula. cleaning the AP was basically taking off the cap, throwing out the filter and pushing the plunger all the way down and expelling the grinds. took about 5 seconds compared to the 60-90 for the FP.

was only $30. glad i bought it
Playing: Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
(~);} - Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreamin' - {;(~)