Kid from 2030 says Trump will be RE-ELECTED and PASSED a LIE DETECTOR TEST!!

Current Events

Do you believe this load of crap?

A "time traveller" named NOah, who says he's from the FUTURE has supposedly passed a LIE DETECTOR TEST and claimed Donald Trump will be RE-ELECTED in 2020 and that Artificial Intelligence will TAKE OVER!!

It was posted on Apex TV as the video blurred his face and distorted his voice to hide his identity claiming he "risked his life to travel back in time"

Apex TV says it's one of the "biggest voices of paranormal content on Youtube" with 56 million views and 100,000 subscribers

He says his mission is to tell those alive now what the world has in store

Among his "predictions" his claim is that Google Glass style robots will spread across the globe and take away jobs and that technology has developed so fast that they will independently run a home.

Bitcoi will become increasingly poplar but pennies and cents will still be in use

In 2030, the US president is a mysterious figure caleld "Ilana Remikee"

He also said Global Warming is REAL and caused temperatures in North America to increase while Europe has cooled.

Humans will reach Mars in 2028 and that year time travel is discovered.

Electric Cars will travel as fast as diesel and petrol ones and many forms of cancer will be CURED.

Of course the video has gave into skepticism, mainly because of the him being strapped with a polygraph lie detector wrapped around his bicep as he's asked to predict future major events and to confirm who really is. The first question was "Are you an actual time traveller from the year 2030"

He responds with "yes" and it's marked TRUE in a large gree letters superimposed on the video but the results of the machine are not shown.

He claims he has "hard evidence" to back up his prediction but isn't sure he can say because it might cause a "paradox"

Lie detector tets do not say if things are objectively true but that the person who is making the claim believes that they are true

Do you believe this crap? let's see if people do

"Noah" - Whacko Tobacco
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