The Walking Dead. Is it played out?

Current Events

As someone who still is a fanatic for zombie/infected genre(28 months later is finally going to happen and I'm losing my mind over it)

I find TWD to just be dreadful. It's clear that the show is trying to make the largest profit spending the smallest amount of money. They film the vast amount of the show in rural Georgia where it's cheap. They have lots of episodes where it's only a few of the top billing actors/actresses to keep episode payments down. The plot and character development have repeated itself several times over now and so many of the main characters do irrational things to keep the drama and conflict alive in the show. And to top it off some of the actors/actresses are just not very skilled at acting. Like I can feel them not being the character in some scenes because they just force the emotions so they feel unnatural.
Others find humanity by looking in their own hearts. Only lost souls need to search for it outside themselves."