Who would you say lost more this year. Liberals or Conservatives?

Current Events

I think your perspective of who "lost" depends entirely on where you get your news.

But Trump (and conservatives) have never looked dumber and more irrational. Their entire arguments are centered around one thing: "We can make liberals mad." They look like complete idiots that cannot carry a legitimate debate if their lives depended on it.

Sure, liberals look like crybabies a lot of the time but they're still mostly capable of rational thought (when they're not screaming at the sky over Trump, lol).

Ultimately liberals will stop "losing" when they realize the two sides are playing by different rules. The liberals are mostly abiding by their attacks of conscience--a liberal commits and atrocity and the whole party comes down on them and forces them to resign. Conservatives on the other hand don't give a shit what their people do...they have zero moral issues with voting for pedophiles, rapists, sexual harassers, liars, and so on, as long as they uphold "republican values."