How would you describe your politics?

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weapon_d00d816 posted...
DawkinsNumber4 posted...
This list is oversimplified. I am a libertarian socialist but cannot say socialist or libertarian.

I'm not sure how that even works.

You want lax authority but somehow you want tight economic regulations and forced charity? Who's going to enforce that?

Convolution in regulation leads to delay and and counter-productive results but I believe some basic regulation is necessary because people are naturally going to try and cheat if they can. "Forced charity". You do realize that ancaps, ansocs, and ancoms, (just to name a few) could literally all co-exist in the same society but within different groups? The common belief set is libertarianism (personal freedoms). Libertarianism (personal freedoms) and financial liberalism or conservatism are not mutually exclusive and one can be both socialist and libertarian, as well capitalist and libertarian, etc. Much of the confusion in this country comes from forgetting that there isn't just a left and right but also a top and bottom.

Whether it's an ancap, an ansoc, or an ancom, they generally all fit within the libertarian quadrant and believe in the power of mutual consent.