This California Girl caused OUTRAGE after she made a CAKE that said KILL NAZIS!!

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Nomadic View posted...
OEIO999 posted...
The Admiral posted...
OEIO999 posted...
The Admiral posted...
Just another uplifting story about the non-violent left.

You are aware the sentiment towards killing nazi's has existed for nearly a century, right?

You're aware that people before this generation didn't just label everyone who hurt their feelings and supported the presidential candidate they didn't like Nazis, right? If there weren't so many stupid regressives who threw this word around like Candycorn on Halloween, it wouldn't be an issue.

But there was no labelling, the cake read 'Kill Nazi's'. not 'kill everyone on the right who has even tiniest bit of disagreement with my beliefs'. Isn't it equally the fault of people who 'hurt others feelings' or 'support the president' to presume they are nazis, as a result feels this is targeted towards them? Who cares what other people call you, you either are or are not a Nazi, only emotionally unstable and insecure people feel offended by randoms calling them a nazi, when they aren't a nazi.

If only the women of Salem just didn't care that they were called witches, then everything would have worked out so well for them.

Is the cake addressing you personally or something?
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