Minnesota Bar SHUTS DOWN after Employees QUIT cause the owner supports KKK!!

Current Events

Would you ever support a business or work at one if you knew the owner supports the KKK/White Supremacy?

Ding Dong, The Club is Done....Club Jager, a Minneapolis bar was thankfully forced to close its doors after the customers AND the employees QUIT when they found out that the owner contributed $500 to former KKK leader David Duke's campaign...and that lead to a mass exodus of employees and customer boycott.

The establiashment offered live music from small, local bands and DJs and the owner had no choice but to shut down the racist business.

Julius DeRoma was the man who donated to the KKK leader in Louisiana and news of his political leanings was outed by City Pages and employees resigned en emasse and live musical acts dropped out.

Jake Rudh, a DJ who was a regular said he was stunned by the news and dropped out. He said "Like many of you, i was shocked and appalled to hear the news about the venue's owner this morning. I refuse to stay at a venue wehre the owner supports the likes of David Dukes and his messages of hate"

Drea Kingston, who used to work there said "All showed up and just wept together and cried about the whole loss and shame of the thing. It says racist, it shows white supremacy, it shows hatred. It's vile and it's disgusting. Hatred was not welcome in my life nor should it be in anyone's in this day and age. I am just so saddened that everyone is going to be going through financial crisis and undue stress. It's been so stressful, i've never had the thought that i didn't want to go to work there until today"

Julius DEFENDED himself while hiding behind his door from the media and said "It's basically free speech. Well, whatever, what do you expect? It's basically something that is blown up beyond what it should be. Do you really think millions of white people like me don't think like me? They're just too afraid to come out and say publicly"

Only a few employees decided to stay because they needed the job but the majority had quit and with a customer boycott, Julius's club became extinct.

A Gofundme page was set up for former employees which has cleared $2000 so far.

The internet has already attacked the club owner and the employees who stayed calling them "nazi sympathizers".

Would you ever work or support a business whose owner supports the KKK? let's see what people will vote

Club Jager - Extinct



Drea - Quit


Jake Rudh -


David Duke - Racist

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