Which political party is most guilty of employing emotional appeal?

Current Events

Balrog0 posted...
Republicans are much better at it, Democrats very much like to pretend they are rational technocrats for some reason

It's a relativity thing. Compared to how one side handles discourse, it's basically the role you have to fill. Though I do get what you mean when it comes to stuff like the environment and health and gun control. But when the rebuttal is full of condescension, mistrust, and venom, it still looks a more organized thought process.

... At least imo.

Disclaimer: It didn't used to be like this. I remember when I was a moderate and could find agreement with both sides. It's just rarer nowadays for people who identify as staunch conservatives to look to actually defend a position that they feel is right without the need to be combative about something. It's always a treat whenever I can find a levelheaded Republican who can articulate their points well and can actually back their shit up with a series of facts that either reduces the emotional response or actually justifies it. I actually get to learn shit from people with different viewpoints that way when they're willing to acknowledge counterarguments so that they can have a coherent, responsive rebuttal.

Just seems like a fucking shouting match lately. Like literally primates howling.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.