Which political party is most guilty of employing emotional appeal?

Current Events

hollow_shrine posted...
Romulox28 posted...
Horus_Leftfield posted...
Idk, it seems our country's to the point where "It's wrong to stereotype people or generalize them based on their race or religion" is an emotional appeal now and not, you know, moral.

Let's use some critical thinking here. Why do you think the parents of the slain Muslim soldier spoke at the DNC? What was their objective?

To throw Donald Trumps anti-Muslim rhetoric back in his face and accuse him of being fake in his patriotism because while they lost their son for name of this country, he's sacrificed nothing. I'm pretty sure I'm paraphrasing that line, but it's the most memorable moment in that speech.

So is that an emotional appeal. Yes. It's also a topical rebuttal to a point made by the other side.

Correct, they were speaking at the DNC to get you to vote for Hillary Clinton. They told a heartbreaking (and relatable to any parents) story about a son who died for his country and how Hillary Clinton would support this person more than the other candidate, Donald Trump. The end goal here is to use this emotional appeal to get you to support and ultimately vote for Hillary Clinton. This is textbook stuff

ElatedVenusaur posted...
There's nothing wrong with emotions or appeals to them.

Ideally you should be making your opinions based on facts and logic, not being swayed by emotion. Sometimes it works out ok, but emotion can be good or bad.
A Green Butter Alt(TM)