Am I in the wrong? Or my Parents?

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Am I in the wrong (read below!!!)

So recently, I've had days where all I want to do is stay in my room. I'll do my chores, maybe get coffee, then I'll go back to my room. Some of those days I don't even eat (meaning breakfast and dinner; I'll eat stuff like fruits and snacks etc). My step-dad often adds some little.. idk how to describe it other than 'slick' stuff in his sentences. He'll be like "you planning on staying in your room all day?" and stuff of that nature. I'll often come out and entertain my little brother, 9, and little sister, 4 (I, myself, have just turned 15 in July). Some days I just want to stay in my room.

Am I in the wrong for wanting to just be alone in my own silent and comfortable environment? I've always been pretty introverted so it's shouldn't be like a new thing. Or is it something that just happens to everyone at my age?
"The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies."
-Mark Twain