Last day of the Steam sale - Which "bad" game should I get, CE?

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Current Events » Last day of the Steam sale - Which "bad" game should I get, CE?
Budget of $15, which game to buy on steam?

Soooo, looking for an RPG (or open-world) to keep me busy for the next month, and have narrowed it down to the games below. However, they seem to be games that CE, in one way or another, dislikes... So pick the least crappy one?

Tales of Zestiria (considered worst in the Tales series)
Final Fantasy XIII (been told it's super-linear)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (I'd be skipping the first, and... well, I actually haven't heard anything positive or negative about this one)
Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns (I'd be skipping both of its prequels, and people are against the time mechanic)
Fallout 4 (people loathe the settlement aspect, and find most of the missions boring)
MGS V (Apparently the world is empty, with nothing but animals and repetitive missions) (Updated bi-weekly) - Blind playthroughs since '09 (Updated very rarely)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Metal Gear Solid V are miles better than anything else in that list. Except for Fallout 4 because I haven't played it so I can't talk about it. I have to mention though, Tales of Zestiria is one of the worst recent Tales of games but it is by no means the worst.
.0721 | "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."
Only played the first two and they are two of my favorite games. Dunno about the others.
only ones ive played are fallout 4 and mgsv

mgsv is trash. you'll be head over heels in love with the game for the first like 2 or 3 hours, but the more you play the more the flaws will start to become obvious, and they're HUGE flaws. it's a game that fails on every level (except for the gameplay/controls, probably the best 3rd person game ive ever played in that regard). id stay away unless you want to be extremely disappointed

fallout 4 i thought was actually pretty good. the shooting controls are actually decent for once in a bethesda game and there are a lot of interesting places to explore, plus i liked the new crafting mechanic. the settlement aspect is entirely optional so idk why people get mad about it. my complaint is in regards to the story (which i thought sucked) and the pacing is really off for it, but otherwise it's a fun game if you like that kind of thing. i no lifed the game for like 90 hours and had a great time.
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
MGSV is great, though I haven't actually played anything else on that list.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Murayomi posted...
Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Metal Gear Solid V are miles better than anything else in that list.

Yea, FFXIII-2 was kind of odd in that, while I did see that it improved upon FFXIII, there was never any strong opinion towards it one way or another
And MGSV was getting a lot of hate here the other day (couple threads), which is what gave me pause. (Updated bi-weekly) - Blind playthroughs since '09 (Updated very rarely)
MGSV is trash.
Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes.
Nobody loves Zesty Tales and FF XIII

KainWind posted...
Nobody loves Zesty Tales and FF XIII


Gotta get @jerrygamer2 to weigh in on those :P (Updated bi-weekly) - Blind playthroughs since '09 (Updated very rarely)
KainWind posted...
Nobody loves Zesty Tales and FF XIII


I voted for FF13 but i enjoyed both of them.
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I do not get the Fallout 4 hate, honestly. It has it's flaws but it made a ton of improvements on the formula and at least tried to do some new stuff instead of just re-releasing Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
Current Events » Last day of the Steam sale - Which "bad" game should I get, CE?