Do you think the term "Mansplaining" is sexist

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I do, however, believe that sexists use it to justify their prejudices

There's the rub. Far too many people use such terminology not to open their minds, but to excuse their unwillingness to examine their own biases. It feels cold saying this, but a man who feels contempt for women is no worse or better than a woman who feels contempt for men. The circumstances that lead up to them believing this maybe different, but the results are the same.

...That's what it is, isn't it? What I really wanted was to challenge others and be challenged. And I've certainly challenged myself, but it didn't really feel like I was challenging others. It wasn't like everyone was using dirty tricks, but more like everybody was more interested in being in their own world where it was perfectly fine to be hateful towards one group of people. No wonder why I felt like I was hitting a brick wall in these discussions--they might as well be brick walls.

Sorry about this, I'm just kinda having a moment. If there is one thing I've learned from all of this, is that I'm a bit more confident in my social skills, even if I prefer to spend time alone.
spritual powah will never die
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