Do you think the term "Mansplaining" is sexist

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Further, if we're going to throw out any term that has been appropriated widely as an insult, we have to throw out pretty much every label in existence. SJW, alt-right, democrat, republican. etc...

Actually I can pretty much agree that this particular term has outlived its purpose, and this is coming from someone who used to use the term. Not as a way to attack other people, but a particular mindset that was making discussion of social justice topics, which is already huge minefield of emotions, even more toxic. Certain types of individuals caught wind of it and eventually became "trendy" by those who weren't as informative about the terms' origins (or some who were aware but were more interested in getting clicks) and now even mentioning the term shuts down any attempt at a conversation being had.

Despite the fact this sort of mentality is still an issue that still needs to be discussed more than ever considering how volatile politics have become, mentioning the term SJW is going to get people riled up, even if you meant it in a non-insulting way. I'd be more than willing to use another term that clarifies the problem if it helps bring this sort of discussion into the light. Like emotional radicalization, which is probably not even a real term.

I would go a step further and agree that mansplaining is a legit term--the problem is that it's something that only works in certain spaces. Similar to the concept of privilege. It's something that I think intelligent enough can agree with exists, but it's something that can only really discuss well if you're able to emotionally distance yourself from it, which I don't think the majority of people aren't able to do without having the proper training to do so. And people on both sides of that debate are guilty of that.

Language is always changing in some shape or form. Terms that were once considered benign now aren't so much, and sometimes in order to get our message across we have to change the wording too. Sure any word is capable of becoming abused like that, but some are more susceptible to it than others due to a myriad of factors that are out of our control.
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