Elon Musk

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Elon Musk
This guy is just pushing his way around as if he somebody elected or nominated him for a position.

Now he has his mittens all over the Federal Payments Systems which means he has access to every American's tax information, income etc etc and Americans need to speak out against this nonsense because Musk is not an elected government official nor was he nominated to any position and above all he is not a US citizen.
Elon Bust
[all times and music eastern]
Elon musk eats farts out of a jar with a grapefruit spoon
he quite literally just bought his way in

it's fun to just say he is a dei hire, because he is, and watch them try and argue with themselves that dei isn't a bad thing
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
BUMPED2002 posted...
This guy is just pushing his way around as if he somebody elected or nominated him for a position.

He was literally appointed by the President, but why let facts get in the way of your righteous indignation?

BUMPED2002 posted...
and above all he is not a US citizen.

He's been a legal citizen for more than 20 years. All you can really say is that he's not natural-born, but that's not a requirement for any position in the government apart from President. He could legally run for US Senate in Texas right now if he wanted to (and could have done so in California when he still lived there).

Oh, wait, sorry. Rich man bad. Orange man bad. Am I cool now guys?
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Poll of the Day » Elon Musk