Nickelodeon vs. Cartoon Network back in the day

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Nickelodeon vs. Cartoon Network back in the day
try to take the best of me go away
The one that had Samurai Jack.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
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I'm too old to have childhood memories of Cartoon Network (I was 9 when it launched, and a teenager by the time it made it's way to my local cable network), so Nickelodeon wins by default. However, I do have some fond memories of watching Adult Swim when I was in high school and college.
I feel like I need to put something here, or else I am one of those weird people who think that having no signature is a character trait.
When I was younger and watching rugrats and SpongeBob and Snick, Nickelodeon, but then once all of the Cartoon Network shows took over it was them.

I think looking back Id go with nick. Much more nostalgia there for me
i like nick better up until the mid 2000's or so. 90's nickelodeon was so damn good.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
For me, its was Cartoon Network.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
Cartoon Network had a lot of good content, especially if you count Adult Swim. But I feel like Nickelodean was more consistent. There was plenty of Cartoon Network that I didn't care for, but not much at all on Nickelodean that I would refuse to watch.
Salrite posted...
Cartoon Network had a lot of good content, especially if you count Adult Swim. But I feel like Nickelodean was more consistent. There was plenty of Cartoon Network that I didn't care for, but not much at all on Nickelodean that I would refuse to watch.
I think you have to look at it from a pre-1999 perspective a little on whether you like Hanna-Barbara style shows. Here's my hot take. I don't think Cartoon Network original content was good until the early 2000's when they started having stuff like Kids Next Door and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I actually liked the early years of Adult Swim.
I don't feel bad for professional athletes
sull56ivan2010 posted...
I think you have to look at it from a pre-1999 perspective a little on whether you like Hanna-Barbara style shows. Here's my hot take. I don't think Cartoon Network original content was good until the early 2000's when they started having stuff like Kids Next Door and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I actually liked the early years of Adult Swim.
Yeah, I really didn't like the Hanna-Barbara stuff. The art style felt really dull to me. And through the 2000's, most of what I did watch on the network was stuff my friends liked. I would have never watched Billy and Mandy on my own, and I didn't.

Actually, I think most of what I did watch on my own time was from Adult Swim.
Toonami/adult swim > nickelodeon > Cartoon network's non-anime content imo.

Tyranny just overthrew you. Your gun's no use 'cause they outdrew you.
But you don't realize it do you, that the truth is now long gone.
Cartoon Network didn't exist when I was watching Nickelodeon.

By the time Cartoon Network did exist, I was way too old to watch either (apart from Adult Swim).

But I'll take USA over either. Mainly for this:

sull56ivan2010 posted...
I think you have to look at it from a pre-1999 perspective a little on whether you like Hanna-Barbara style shows. Here's my hot take. I don't think Cartoon Network original content was good until the early 2000's when they started having stuff like Kids Next Door and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

I'm kind of in the opposite boat. The old Hanna-Barbera and Warner Bros. cartoons were the only thing I ever really liked on Cartoon Network. When they split them all off to put them on Boomerang, I was way more likely to watch that than CN.

I did occasionally catch a few episodes of KND (it was fine), and I watched Justice League when they had it, but for the most part all their newer stuff was aimed too low for me to ever latch onto. As for Grim and Mandy, I always preferred Evil Con Carne and was kind of annoyed that it wasn't the one that caught on. Though to be fair, it's not as if I was hugely into either one. Like with KND, it was more a case that I'd occasionally catch an episode here or there.

The main appeal for me was always Adult Swim. Unfortunately, when they started running out of redubbed/remake Hanna-Barbera cartoons (like Sealab and Harvey Birdman), and Aqua Teens started getting played out (the jokes really started getting tired somewhere around season 4), I kind of lost interest. I don't think I've watched anything on the channel for like 10+ years now.

By the end the last few shows I was watching on it at all was stuff like Saul of the Molemen and NTSF:SD:SUV.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Cartoon Network had more good shows. You got Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Cow & Chicken, Ed, Edd, & Eddie, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Kids Next Door, and Billy & Mandy were all great shows. Powerpuff Girls, Foster's Home and Camp Lazlo were also good.

Nick had some good ones but there is so much less good stuff.
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90s nick 2000s cartoon network
Hey Arnold
Rugrats (before Dill)
Aaaah. Real Monsters

Oh yeah! Cartoons!
Power Puff Girls

hmm.... there's a pattern here.
This is a tough choice, but I'm going to side with nick. I loved toonami as a kid, adult swim and toonheads was amazing. But nick has a lot of timeless shows where some of the cartoon network shows don't hold up as well.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
Adult Swim > Nick >>> the rest of CN for me.

Death Note, Family Guy, KotH, and Inuyasha > Avatar TLA and Spongebob >>> ...daytime CN didnt really have anything at all for me.
Currently playing - Final Fantasy VI
Cartoon Network introduced me to the music of Toshihiko Sahashi, thanks to showing The Big-O. That alone is enough for me to choose CN. -- my video game collection -- my Rumble channel with playthrough/gameplay videos
Poll of the Day » Nickelodeon vs. Cartoon Network back in the day