I just started Earthbound...

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » I just started Earthbound...
Me first time. Kinda a wacky game so far.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
I played it for the first time about a year ago and thought it felt very dated. The inventory and battle system could definitely use some updated quality of life improvements. Theres also a puzzle of sorts that involves this waterfall that I wont spoil but felt like it was very pointless and not a good one.
i didn't hate the waterfall puzzle (the game is quirky and weird enough that i feel like it kind of suits it) but i'm also really glad that that no other game i've played has tried to copy it. the inventory issue wouldn't be so bad if at least one of the characters wasn't completely reliant on bag space.

i get the critiques though. it's flawed but enjoyable and the world is really fun to explore.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
Great game, except the inventory system SUCKS.

I don't even have a pla-
rexcrk posted...
Great game, except the inventory system SUCKS.
My main gripe.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
ive tried playing it a few times on NSO but I usually get bored and put it down. Its a neat game but somethings off about it like it just gets too repetitive and I lose interest
I really want to like it but there are too many tedious things about it
"I, Garland, will knock you all down!"
what does it mean when the game has an ominous message pop up when you get to the concert and the game crashes?
I enjoyed it a lot, but I used a guide. The only complaint I'm partially on-board with is the inventory, but I don't find it that annoying since I grew up playing games like Pokemon. It wasn't a hard game so the inventory management didn't annoy me as much as some people. If you otherwise enjoy the game for its uniqueness but don't like those aspects, definitely check out Mother 3. It ditches the outdated stuff and plays a lot more modern, while still having a super interesting/weird plot.
girls like my fa
ReturnOfFa posted...
I enjoyed it a lot, but I used a guide. The only complaint I'm partially on-board with is the inventory, but I don't find it that annoying since I grew up playing games like Pokemon. It wasn't a hard game so the inventory management didn't annoy me as much as some people. If you otherwise enjoy the game for its uniqueness but don't like those aspects, definitely check out Mother 3. It ditches the outdated stuff and plays a lot more modern, while still having a super interesting/weird plot.
I am using a guide on the game. I may play the first game on the NES after this. The inventory reminds me more of Golden Sun's. Just wish I could stack multiples of the same item.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
OneEyedShinobi posted...
I am using a guide on the game. I may play the first game on the NES after this. The inventory reminds me more of Golden Sun's. Just wish I could stack multiples of the same item.
Totally, it is pretty silly and is a major limit to healing items.

There're some ROM hacks to explore if you want to make it a bit more approachable, since it is very much an NES game.
girls like my fa
OneEyedShinobi posted...
Me first time. Kinda a wacky game so far.
That's underselling it.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
good taste

Earthbound is a game that I find myself returning to more and more as the years go by - Ive probably replayed it 4 times over the last 8 years. Where are you at so far, TC?
Currently Playing: Trails in the Sky, Spyro Trilogy (PS1), Balatro, Cassette Beasts

This enemy lol
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
Jolly_Bear posted...
good taste

Earthbound is a game that I find myself returning to more and more as the years go by - Ive probably replayed it 4 times over the last 8 years. Where are you at so far, TC?
My man
Poll of the Day » I just started Earthbound...