My current, longest running Minecraft world is 10.5gb!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » My current, longest running Minecraft world is 10.5gb!
I started it some time in 2019, in 1.14? Just before the update that released bees. I'm really proud of how it's turned out actually. I struggle to find new ideas to build a lot, though. A lot of times I just fall back on large, eternal builds like Nether railways that will be expanded on forever.

Last night I spent maybe one or two hours just expanding a storage room!
I got back into it a few years ago, right after 1.19 launched. My world is about 2GB last I checked but I also trim chunks every time a new major update is coming out.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
Seed was "gargamel" back in 1.14. It started me on a nice sizeable island and I've developed it up until now using as much of the content in the game as possible, introducing new content as the game is updated.

I also have a 9x9 map wall that is still being explored. Each unit is 2048x2048 blocks. I'm starting to have to venture outside of that range for new content now as a lot of stuff is much more rare than anything else. Pale Gardens are probably about as rare as Mushroom Islands and Mangroves are pretty hard to find, too.

Jesus, gfaqs compressed the hell out of those pictures
I have never had a world last particularly long. I tend to jump in when I see something in a new release that looks interesting, play around for a bit and then drop off until something new comes along again. The last couple releases I really paid attention to seemed to be heading in an odd direction so I think it has been over a year since I last played.
There was a PotD Minecraft server I remember joining in 2017 or so. I can't remember who hosted it. But it was fun. Still have some pictures of my base.

I remember spending hours tunneling from my island to an ocean monument and draining the entire thing with sponges while listening to SZA
Never played minecraft because ngl it looks boring af
Im digging the snapshots. I doubt theyre adding any more mob variants after the new chickens, but I hope more plants/biome updates are coming.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
fettster777 posted...
Never played minecraft because ngl it looks boring af
It is man's natural instinct to dig a hole. Man's other natural instinct is to build things. It covers all bases.
Yellow posted...
It is man's natural instinct to dig a hole. Man's other natural instinct is to build things. It covers all bases.
I've had a world run continuously from literally the first ever alpha update that enabled multiplayer, whichever one that was.

It's 12.5 GB.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
darkknight109 posted...
I've had a world run continuously from literally the first ever alpha update that enabled multiplayer, whichever one that was.

It's 12.5 GB.
How do you manage to still run it? I've tried loading worlds from older versions (pre-1.3) and they're just unplayable. Tons of glitched assets, and eventually the world just becomes unstable and crashes.
I agree but only because I think potd wasn't built to handle a refugee crisis. That's literally what another place is for (created after lue)
BADoglick to the Max!
Salrite posted...
How do you manage to still run it? I've tried loading worlds from older versions (pre-1.3) and they're just unplayable. Tons of glitched assets, and eventually the world just becomes unstable and crashes.
That sounds like a mod issue, maybe? No assets from that era of the game were removed, so unless you are/were using mods, they should load just fine.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
darkknight109 posted...
That sounds like a mod issue, maybe? No assets from that era of the game were removed, so unless you are/were using mods, they should load just fine.
No mods. It's a known issue migrating from older versions. They make you convert world data if you go back far enough, I forget which version changed this. But even when I do, the worlds become unstable. Go back far enough, and things get weird. Nether Portals running the wrong way, doors unaligned, chests glitching out. This happens because of the countless changes Mojang has made to the game over the years. It's just surprising you're able to maintain the same world from all the way back to Alpha.
Salrite posted...
No mods. It's a known issue migrating from older versions. They make you convert world data if you go back far enough, I forget which version changed this. But even when I do, the worlds become unstable. Go back far enough, and things get weird. Nether Portals running the wrong way, doors unaligned, chests glitching out. This happens because of the countless changes Mojang has made to the game over the years. It's just surprising you're able to maintain the same world from all the way back to Alpha.
I mean, weirdness certainly happened after a couple of the older patches, but nothing that made it unstable or caused it to crash.

Maybe it's just because the world I have has been played reasonably continuously, so there wasn't a chance for a major, unforeseen issue from patching a really old world file to a modern version?
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Poll of the Day » My current, longest running Minecraft world is 10.5gb!