Did y'all ever play Neopets?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Did y'all ever play Neopets?
I remember my favorite pet being the little dragon, Shoyru. I also remember the site feeling incredibly busted the entire time I played it, like most features were eternally in development. The Battle Arena particularly felt like an afterthought and I only ever tried it once.

I remember the cheese rolling game, and there was a Space Invaders knockoff that I'd play a lot, and a cool dungeon platformer that had the worst hitboxes I'd ever seen.
Oh, and I remember Tyranu Evavu that was their version of Hi-Lo, I'd play that a lot for the daily points. They also had a game called Cheat that I learned to play and really liked, and when I tried explaining how it worked to other people, they'd say, "Oh, that's just the game, Bullshit"
Yup. I heard it sorta still exists. I liked Gelerts, the dogs.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
I think my sister and I used to have some Neopets plushies we found at Claire's. I think there was a Shoyru and an Aisha. Probably a Kadoatie, too.
Oof, that's a while ago for me. Turn of the century just about. I had a few favored games but I don't remember names.
A gentleman will walk, but never run
I spent a lot of time buying items from the public marketplace and reselling them for a profit. You could keep refreshing a search for a particular item and usually find someone selling off one at a ridiculously low price.

My grandma used to run a ceramic decal business where she'd essentially do a similar thing. I remember her being really impressed with me when I explained what I was doing.
Yeah, my account got banned for using an auto refresher.
Vaguely, around 2003/4.
3DS Friend Code: 3480-2661-5116
Oh yeah I was literally obsessed

i also definitely role played as my neopets with people on the message boards. Shit got weird.
Yes, briefly. I had a Lenny, which I tried to name Kosnowski, but it was already taken. I never fed the pet, since all I cared about were the word games. I played for a month or so until it was obvious that they didn't care about people cheating to get high scores.
https://blaqthourne.neocities.org/ -- my video game collection
https://rumble.com/c/Blaqthourne -- my Rumble channel with playthrough/gameplay videos
around 2001, yeah

I remember this because my main dude was an eyrie named demander_2001
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Around 2007-08. I feel bad for abandoning my little JubJub.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
I remember obtaining the rare Ray Gun, which allowed me to zap my pet once a day to get random effects. I think I turned one of my pets into a rare koi fish pet. I also remember playing Neoquest, the RPG game. It was difficult for me to play the RPG because it was only available at specific times of the day.
Neopets is where the 315 from my username came from. My username for neopets added a 315 because it was taken and I have been using it ever since.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
Never had an account on the site or anything, but I did play the PS2 game (The Darkest Faerie).

It's... really rough around the edges, but I still kind of like it.
Post #16 was unavailable or deleted.
coyot posted...
I never played RuneScape either. Probably because gameplay/commentary wasnt a thing. I honestly saw it as larping.
Oh yeah, I think it was RuneScape that all the kids were into when I was in Junior/High School. I never played it either, but I was never into those kind of MMORPGs.
FreezinIceKirby posted...
Never had an account on the site or anything, but I did play the PS2 game (The Darkest Faerie).

It's... really rough around the edges, but I still kind of like it.
Oh shit, I forget that was a thing! I never played it, I think it may have come out after I quit using the website. I also never had a PS2 until I was out of High School.

Had a Kacheek
Gave him some Halloween event item and he turned into a zombie..

Daily free omlette, games to earn coins, marketplace for stones to level up and books to increase knowledge..
Gotta check out the Snowager every day too to see if you can sneak past him. I don't think I ever got anything too great from that, though.
My cousin was big into them, sometimes I played with them when I visited, we did play the 3rd person action adventure Neopets game, didnt get far into it.
i signed up and played it for a bit, but it wasn't something i was ever really into.
Tyranny just overthrew you. Your gun's no use 'cause they outdrew you.
But you don't realize it do you, that the truth is now long gone.
Nah, but I was into Maplestory during college.
Dark times.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
Nah, but I was into Maplestory during college.
Dark times.
Meerca Chase Master Race reporting in.
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I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Salrite posted...
holy shit, I can't believe Nexon got the graphics looking that good now
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Poll of the Day » Did y'all ever play Neopets?