Is there a way to stop a stomach bug!?

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Poll of the Day » Is there a way to stop a stomach bug!?
My whole family was sick, and I didnt get sick. The last person to have it was a week ago. So I thought I was clear. Now I got this nausea feeling in my gut you know the one as if its coming on soon. Is there a way to stop this before it progresses!?
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
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Google says no, not really. Just coping with it.
KingInBlack posted...
There's ways to reduce the effects, and it's called GET VACCINATED.
Hmmm... sounds like you're telling me what to do ...
If the cause is bacterial, activated charcoal capsules may help by soaking up the toxins the bacteria produce. Just be aware that it will also inactivate any medications you take, so use with caution if you take anything critical to your health. It won't do a thing for viral gastroenteritis.

Meadowsweet tea may help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Meadowsweet contains salicylates, so it should not be taken with aspirin or other NSAIDs, or if you take anticoagulants like warfarin or Xarelto.

Ginger is one of the most effective anti-nausea remedies; some studies show it to be even better than prescription drugs such as scopalamine. There is a potential for interaction with anticoagulant drugs.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Thank you for the responses but it happened. Im officially sick with the norovirus. How do I know? Cause my wife went to ER and thats what she told her two weeks ago.
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
Swallow a frog, so it can eat the bug.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Swallow a frog, so it can eat the bug.
Swallow a snake, so it can eat the frog.
Pororin posted...
Swallow a snake, so it can eat the frog.

And then you need to swallow a mongoose to kill the snake.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I'm always sick. Make sure you guys get lots of sleep.

The stress from gaming late has caused a lot of tension in my chest muscles too.
Vitamin C helps. Thanks, Nade Duck!
I think Im okay now. But that was the most violent Ive ever thrown up in my life. The silver lining is that I wont get sick like this again for 5-7yrs.
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
HornedLion posted...
Im officially sick with the norovirus.
Oh, have fun with that one.

I caught that once, back when I was a summer camp counsellor. Absolutely fucking awful disease. I threw up every hour, 15 past the hour, on a schedule so regular you could set a watch to it. This was true even if there was nothing in my stomach to throw up, leading me to just dry heave into a toilet bowl.

About the only positive thing I can say is it goes away after ~24-30 hours, so it doesn't stick around long, but man that one day is absolute fucking hell.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
I use Raid for any type of bugs
I got food poisoning years ago from scrambled eggs I had for breakfast at a hotel in Chicago. Spent hours puking and crapping my brains out.
Occupy_This posted...
I got food poisoning years ago from scrambled eggs I had for breakfast at a hotel in Chicago. Spent hours puking and crapping my brains out.

Isnt it fucked up how you know what caused it and as such theres a subsequent trauma that goes along with it. In the 90s I drank a drink called, Orbitz. It had floating balls in it. It also gave me food poisoning.
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
HornedLion posted...
Isnt it fucked up how you know what caused it and as such theres a subsequent trauma that goes along with it. In the 90s I drank a drink called, Orbitz. It had floating balls in it. It also gave me food poisoning.

I had to use the hotel laundry room cause I s*** my jeans trying to get to the bathroom. It didnt help that I was pretty much doing both at the same time

The hotel felt so bad they gave me a free night which I took, but went somewhere else for breakfast the next morning.
I'd imagine you either get it or don't. Not really something you have control over.
captpackrat posted...
If the cause is bacterial, activated charcoal capsules may help by soaking up the toxins the bacteria produce. Just be aware that it will also inactivate any medications you take, so use with caution if you take anything critical to your health. It won't do a thing for viral gastroenteritis.

Meadowsweet tea may help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Meadowsweet contains salicylates, so it should not be taken with aspirin or other NSAIDs, or if you take anticoagulants like warfarin or Xarelto.

Ginger is one of the most effective anti-nausea remedies; some studies show it to be even better than prescription drugs such as scopalamine. There is a potential for interaction with anticoagulant drugs.
I didn't know that about Meadowsweet. I'll try to remember that.
I'm just a girl who loves games
HornedLion posted...
Thank you for the responses but it happened. Im officially sick with the norovirus. How do I know? Cause my wife went to ER and thats what she told her two weeks ago.
Ugh, that really sucks.
I'm just a girl who loves games
Poll of the Day » Is there a way to stop a stomach bug!?