When I forwarded this text to my therapist, she asked if my psychiatrist wasn't working out for me. It almost sounds like she's trying to get me on medication so that I won't bug her as much with my problems. It's almost like she wants me to keep holding in my feelings, when I've been doing just that to the point that I had gotten amnesia somewhere along the way, so that she doesn't want to listen to what I've got to say. I won't deny that this angers me. She seems to think I'm a sociopath that might do something rash if I don't keep my anger in check.
SrRd_RacinG posted...
What does your therapist suggest? What are some things you've learned from this person?
Just coping mechanisms, I guess; like compartmentalization and breathing exercises. That's about it, though. I've figured out lots of things by having her as a sounding board, though.
I had lived for ten years with the lot I had called my family. The more I lived with them, the more I realized that I had to keep playing dumb around them. They sort of were convinced that I'd kill them all in their sleep if I didn't. They had convinced themselves that I was a violent sociopath, and that any insult they threw at me would set me off. I didn't really get angry that easily, which was why they had come to conclusion that I was slow in the head. It didn't really occur to any of them that I just wasn't that type of person. They kept making up stories about who I was and how I was. That was why I constantly had to pretend that I had a memory that lasted no longer than a day, and that I was generally an imbecile. They felt like they were in danger otherwise. One day, I had forgotten why I had to pretend. I made the mistake of coming out to them, with predictably disastrous results. They felt like they were in danger from me. They kept trying to frame me for bad stuff they thought I was going to do to them. They kept striking me, hoping to return me to 'normal'. They kept saying I was a monster that needed to be subdued. They kept saying I was evil. They kept saying they were tired of waiting for me to hurt them. They called in a bunch of cousins to hurt me for them. I was in terrible danger from them. They felt entitled to hurt me, having convinced themselves of stories they had made up about me. They kept pointing at me and saying I had bloodlust. I had done nothing wrong; I had done nothing violent. Still, they insisted that the crap they had made up about me was real. To them, reality was whatever the fuck they thought it was; nothing was real until they believed it so. I had no aunts or uncles to go to; I was in contact only with families that seemed to always have someone out to hurt me. My grandfolks refused to take me away from Hawaii on all occasions I asked them to; it was their Paradise, while it was my Hell. Fuck them.
The amount of stuff I have to re-experience takes a really heavy toll on me. I just want a hug right now. :(