What do you first notice about this girl's picture?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What do you first notice about this girl's picture?
And is there a term for this?

the eyes O_O
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
Crazy eyes

when you can see white on both the top and the bottom of the pupil
You can't see the kitchen knife she's holding and the dead body by her feet

.. I'm in.
She has a 1950s haircut
try to take the best of me go away
Crazy eyes
Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv4cNOBY2eCInbxg6B-KRks6vKMfmFvtp
Genshin Showcase: https://enka.network/u/608173646/
The first thing I noticed was that she looks like Fred Armisen. Not saying that's a bad thing.
girls like my fa
That her bangs look like her eyebrows
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
I'd have to see her other pictures to see if she's just clowning.

Aside from that, maybe she's self conscious about her eyes in photographs and is over correcting. I can relate.

ReturnOfFa posted...
The first thing I noticed was that she looks like Fred Armisen. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Lol, she totally does!
She's single
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Crazy eyes
boxxy head tilt
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
The collarbones.
Crazy eyes

Yeah, probably this.

Some girls just have big eyes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing (and can even be attractive in some cases), but usually when a girl with larger eyes opens her eyes wide the first thing it usually conveys is manic and crazy.

Sometimes it's just a girl being funny. But if it's a normal look for her and she's not doing it on purpose as a joke, you might want to start running.

agesboy posted...
boxxy head tilt

This plus the eyes makes it feel like she's just deliberately going for the "lol so quirky!" look.

But that's probably a red flag if you're doing it on a dating site and that's what you think people are going to be looking for, without understanding how lack of context can be an issue.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
she kinda cute though
I dont like this topic. Shes just a normal girl trying to find love and youre making fun of her for no reason. I regret saying crazy eyes.
I regret saying crazy eyes.

I mean, if you hadn't, someone else would have.

Either that or "thousand-yard stare".
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I dont like this topic. Shes just a normal girl trying to find love and youre making fun of her for no reason. I regret saying crazy eyes.
Too late I've already taken her.

...But it is not a very good picture.
Yellow posted...
Too late I've already taken her.

...But it is not a very good picture.
Yeah but we dont need to be making fun of it

as I used to say very often.. tc, post your face
Yeah but we dont need to be making fun of it

as I used to say very often.. tc, post your face

Your intuition, like many others, was spot-on...the eyes. They are intense and... something else.
I dont like this topic. Shes just a normal girl trying to find love and youre making fun of her for no reason. I regret saying crazy eyes.
I agree. That's why I was trying to be nice from the start. Even with blacking out all the info, maybe posting all her photos on another forum isn't such a nice thing.
as I used to say very often.. tc, post your face
Post your face, tc.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
ReturnOfFa posted...
The first thing I noticed was that she looks like Fred Armisen. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Forever Momo; Always EPic
Yellow posted...

PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Yeah the eyes look way more normal in the other pics
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
FrozenBananas posted...
Yeah the eyes look way more normal in the other pics

The second one still has that residual intense energy, in my opinion. The last one looks the most normal.
In my experience, most people look much better in person than they do in photos. A still image can do a lot to misrepresent a person.
Salrite posted...
In my experience, most people look much better in person than they do in photos. A still image can do a lot to misrepresent a person.

Depends on the person, the lighting, the angles, and the make-up choices.

There are times when a person looks a thousand times better than a picture. There are also times when a picture covers up a boatload of flaws.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
There are also times when a picture covers up a boatload of flaws.
flaws are what make people beautiful
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
To be fair all of those pics are terrible quality so its difficult to really say anything
try to take the best of me go away
Sarcasthma posted...
Post your face, tc.

What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Damn_Underscore posted...
To be fair all of those pics are terrible quality so its difficult to really say anything
I don't think they're bad. Sure they're all pretty grainy, but it's just a normal person, it's not like you can expect everyone to be a professional photographer with thousand dollar equipment. And most of her poses and framing is perfectly fine, aside from the first one. Better than most people I've seen, honestly.
I was going to say all the images look grainy but i don't know it the app does that.
The first photo is just them them setting up and trying to do a profile selfie which is going to be forced and unnatural.

You want to have a certain smile, you want your eyes to be open and looking a certain way so you end up holding it. Pics of yourself usually look better when you're not taking it and setting up the shot.
Poll of the Day » What do you first notice about this girl's picture?