Do you like the Backstreet Boys?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you like the Backstreet Boys?
try to take the best of me go away
I dont mind them as an idea, and I liked them as a kid, but their songs are silly and I wouldnt actively listen to them now
Backstreet is back alright
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I don't think anyone actively dislikes them anymore because we can look back on them and laugh at how silly of a concept boy bands were, and even like them ironically, which of course always leads to post-irony. It also helps that their music has had time to simmer and isn't being overplayed everywhere you go.

I'm not sure their kind of act is still as prevalent in the US, but Korea sure is going strong with it.
No, I disliked just about all pop music from the 90s/early 2000s era
RSN: Pridefc
PSN: Jaosin
The only band I listen to
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I'm a big fan. I once had a drink with Kevin Richardson too.
BADoglick to the Max!
I don't dislike them, but I don't like them
"I, Garland, will knock you all down!"
Garlands_Soul posted...
I don't dislike them, but I don't like them

This. I grown up in the 90's where cheesy pop music was a thing. Even more so girl/boy bands. Some of the music caught on for me but I don't go out of my way to listen to them.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
I dont mind them as an idea, and I liked them as a kid, but their songs are silly and I wouldnt actively listen to them now
The songs that made it to the radio I enjoyed. I otherwise didn't listen to their stuff.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle

BSB > NSync
I don't even have a pla-
Lol come on, no one really likes boy bands, they were just a corporate trend
Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
Muscles posted...
Lol come on, no one really likes boy bands, they were just a corporate trend

Good is good
try to take the best of me go away
I'm aware of their existence but they weren't my kind of music when I was that age and I only know their "Backstreet's Back" song
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
Salrite posted...
I don't think anyone actively dislikes them anymore because we can look back on them and laugh at how silly of a concept boy bands were

I fit into the other popular category. I kind of like them because when I compare them to how terrible most modern pop music is, they look so much better than they used to.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
I fit into the other popular category. I kind of like them because when I compare them to how terrible most modern pop music is, they look so much better than they used to.
This is also true. 90's Pop Music just got old from oversaturation. Today's Mainstream Pop actually offends me with how painfully boring it is.
Uh... Larger Than Life is catchy I guess. I was never a fan; my family mostly listened to classical, folk, and rock growing up so sometimes the pop stuff didn't jive with me. When I did listen to it, it was mostly because of friends. I didn't hate it nearly as much as, say, "achy breaky heart" or "wind beneath my wings" shit that one of our teachers was obsessed with.

This is a great music video. People don't dress like this anymore, it's nostalgic.
try to take the best of me go away
Damn_Underscore posted...

This is a great music video. People don't dress like this anymore, it's nostalgic.

Don't go breaking my heart by bsb is better
BADoglick to the Max!
BADoglick posted...
Don't go breaking my heart by bsb is better
Isnt that by Elton John
Salrite posted...
This is also true. 90's Pop Music just got old from oversaturation. Today's Mainstream Pop actually offends me with how painfully boring it is.

Sabrina Carpenter fills me with irrational fury. I can't even articulate why, it just is.

Damn_Underscore posted...
This is a great music video. People don't dress like this anymore, it's nostalgic.

I suspect people do indeed still dress like that. You just have to go to certain very specific places to see it.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Sabrina Carpenter fills me with irrational fury. I can't even articulate why, it just is.
You're speaking my language. A lot of modern music that's played in stores and restaurants makes me seethe inside. The end credits song of Sonic 3 was one of them too! Was a really enjoyable movie and then they throw this in the end for some reason. Ed Sheeran at the end of Pokemon Violet was a fucking weird choice, too.

Oh, and don't even get me started on those shitty remixes of actual good songs! Breathy acoustic covers of Good Feel Inc, or fucking EDM version of Crocodile Rock.
Damn_Underscore posted...

This is a great music video. People don't dress like this anymore, it's nostalgic.
This is such a perfect example of what I was talking about, too. That was the very first song I remember specifically hating as a child. I'd always moan whenever it came on the radio. But now it fucking slaps and makes me think of a better time. Lyrics are kinda sad, too when you think about it, especially for a hit song that everyone danced to.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Poll of the Day » Do you like the Backstreet Boys?