duckbear is a gamefaqs legend, the people who ran him off of here don't know the harm they've caused.
At some point that I don't specifically remember, the mods got tired of dealing with his topics and just made him his own board to share the news on. He kept it up for a little while there, but without the attention/weird data collection opportunities he had posting on more active boards, he stopped and disappeared.
icoyar shit himself to death in 2020What did he do?
That was the mods.
What did he do?
Well it's time to post this classic
Well it's time to post this classicThose people are such losers
He claimed the mods modded him for posting an opinion in the OP of a news post.That was just all of his posts. All of his "News" posts were sensationalized opinion pieces meant to incite hate. I'm surprised it took that long to ban him.
Those people are such losersIol
duckbear was great and were worse off without him
duckbear is a gamefaqs legend, the people who ran him off of here don't know the harm they've caused.
duckbear wasn't banned, he just left. his accounts are still alive
One of the last posts he made was talking about how Biden's win gave him horrible diarrhea because he was so afraid of how the country would be ruined, then he just kind of slunk away quietly, presumably to find a more consistent right-wing echo chamber to inhabit. There was a pretty marked difference in how willing right-leaning posters were to post here after Trump's loss (and a reciprocal difference after his win), and I figured he was among them and not that he actually died of overpooping.Did he ever get a job?
Apparently duck Bear was collecting files of info on every user. Idk his someone figured that out, but that was seemingly the final straw for this site.
With that being said, I miss having the opportunity to decide whether or not they are hot
Apparently duck Bear was collecting files of info on every user. Idk his someone figured that out, but that was seemingly the final straw for this site.Lmao what Ive never heard this
With that being said, I miss having the opportunity to decide whether or not they are hot
He said the times have changed because he never got modded until the point where he said he was leaving PotD
To the haters, has your work ever been published on
To the haters, has your work ever been published on
Yeah stop, duckbear was the epitome of modern media. Nothing but clickbait sensationalist garbage followed by "IS SHE HOT????"
We're all better off.
duckbear was great and were worse off without him
He apparently got modded for doing that to a minor.Good. It was disgusting opening one of those iS sHe HoT?!?! topics and then seeing a picture of an 8-year old girl.
Usually it was something along the lines of "this person everyone remembers as a child actor is 18 now" and not actually asking if the kid was hot, but the whole thing where people count down until a celebrity becomes old enough that it's socially acceptable to rub one out to them is heckin' creepy. I don't think Duckbear was actually personally engaging in such a countdown himself so much as he was just emulating tabloids that do under the belief that that was how Regular Human Beings conducted themselves, but it still wasn't a great vibe.