Is duckbear still here?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Is duckbear still here?
What about that other dude (icoyar maybe?) who was obsessed with Jen? Haven't been to this site in probably 4 or 5 years.
icoyar shit himself to death in 2020
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
duckbear is a gamefaqs legend, the people who ran him off of here don't know the harm they've caused.
try to take the best of me go away
I miss Duckbear news.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Damn_Underscore posted...
duckbear is a gamefaqs legend, the people who ran him off of here don't know the harm they've caused.

That was the mods.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
At some point that I don't specifically remember, the mods got tired of dealing with his topics and just made him his own board to share the news on. He kept it up for a little while there, but without the attention/weird data collection opportunities he had posting on more active boards, he stopped and disappeared.
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adjl posted...
At some point that I don't specifically remember, the mods got tired of dealing with his topics and just made him his own board to share the news on. He kept it up for a little while there, but without the attention/weird data collection opportunities he had posting on more active boards, he stopped and disappeared.

He claimed the mods modded him for posting an opinion in the OP of a news post.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
ConfusedTorchic posted...
icoyar shit himself to death in 2020
What did he do?
Revelation34 posted...
That was the mods.

Well it's time to post this classic
try to take the best of me go away
alleniversonms posted...
What did he do?

One of the last posts he made was talking about how Biden's win gave him horrible diarrhea because he was so afraid of how the country would be ruined, then he just kind of slunk away quietly, presumably to find a more consistent right-wing echo chamber to inhabit. There was a pretty marked difference in how willing right-leaning posters were to post here after Trump's loss (and a reciprocal difference after his win), and I figured he was among them and not that he actually died of overpooping.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Damn_Underscore posted...
Well it's time to post this classic

Whichever mod said that is based af.
I don't even have a pla-
Damn_Underscore posted...
Well it's time to post this classic
Those people are such losers
duckbear was great and were worse off without him
Forever Momo; Always EPic
Revelation34 posted...
He claimed the mods modded him for posting an opinion in the OP of a news post.
That was just all of his posts. All of his "News" posts were sensationalized opinion pieces meant to incite hate. I'm surprised it took that long to ban him.
MrMelodramatic posted...
Those people are such losers
duckbear was great and were worse off without him
I don't even have a pla-
Damn_Underscore posted...
duckbear is a gamefaqs legend, the people who ran him off of here don't know the harm they've caused.

The only harm done was to the people who are wherever he went to and is now. Because now they have to suffer like we suffered.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Im pretty sure damn underscore is duck bear lol
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
Was he that bad? I only saw him on the tv forum posting garbage about what was being renewed/Cancelled.

Another troll was Ganon. He drove people nuts on the NBAB.

Apparently duck Bear was collecting files of info on every user. Idk his someone figured that out, but that was seemingly the final straw for this site.

With that being said, I miss having the opportunity to decide whether or not they are hot
BADoglick to the Max!
duckbear wasn't banned, he just left. his accounts are still alive
try to take the best of me go away
Damn_Underscore posted...
duckbear wasn't banned, he just left. his accounts are still alive
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
adjl posted...
One of the last posts he made was talking about how Biden's win gave him horrible diarrhea because he was so afraid of how the country would be ruined, then he just kind of slunk away quietly, presumably to find a more consistent right-wing echo chamber to inhabit. There was a pretty marked difference in how willing right-leaning posters were to post here after Trump's loss (and a reciprocal difference after his win), and I figured he was among them and not that he actually died of overpooping.
Did he ever get a job?
In the long run we are all dead
I called him d***bear once and got modded.
BADoglick posted...
Apparently duck Bear was collecting files of info on every user. Idk his someone figured that out, but that was seemingly the final straw for this site.

With that being said, I miss having the opportunity to decide whether or not they are hot

He got temporarily banned for that at one point after he shared some of what he'd collected, but I think he came back afterwards. He presumably continued to collect those files in his weird "observing-from-the-corner" sort of way, he just kept quiet about it.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
BADoglick posted...
Apparently duck Bear was collecting files of info on every user. Idk his someone figured that out, but that was seemingly the final straw for this site.

With that being said, I miss having the opportunity to decide whether or not they are hot
Lmao what Ive never heard this
Wish I could know of he collected any info about me
Forever Momo; Always EPic
I miss Jen when is she back
He said the times have changed because he never got modded until the point where he said he was leaving PotD

People got soft
JixHedgehog posted...
He said the times have changed because he never got modded until the point where he said he was leaving PotD

Which would have been a massive lie, because he used to get modded all the time. For years he was actually KoS on the site where mods would auto-ban any account he made the moment they realized it was him.

It wasn't until after CJayC left that they sort of started slacking off on going after him. He basically thrived once the people running the site stopped giving a shit. Then panicked when some of them slightly started giving a little bit of a shit again.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
To the haters, has your work ever been published on
try to take the best of me go away
Damn_Underscore posted...
To the haters, has your work ever been published on

I still cant believe Covert Affairs got the ax.
Damn_Underscore posted...
To the haters, has your work ever been published on

I don't see Yahoo.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Yeah stop, duckbear was the epitome of modern media. Nothing but clickbait sensationalist garbage followed by "IS SHE HOT????"

We're all better off.
Cupcake2006 posted...
Yeah stop, duckbear was the epitome of modern media. Nothing but clickbait sensationalist garbage followed by "IS SHE HOT????"

We're all better off.

He apparently got modded for doing that to a minor.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
MrMelodramatic posted...
duckbear was great and were worse off without him

Duckbear is a culmination of everything wrong with the 24 hours news cycle and i miss him dearly. my favorite part was probably the very poorly done, often times false transcriptions of the already shady news sources news. One might ask "why don't you just post the link instead" entirely missing the point.

ah, yeah
i never actually had a problem with him

some of his topics were bad but i'm not on potd for good topics
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
Revelation34 posted...
He apparently got modded for doing that to a minor.
Good. It was disgusting opening one of those iS sHe HoT?!?! topics and then seeing a picture of an 8-year old girl.

One time a user here got really pissy at me because I called out that gross nonsense
I don't even have a pla-
Usually it was something along the lines of "this person everyone remembers as a child actor is 18 now" and not actually asking if the kid was hot, but the whole thing where people count down until a celebrity becomes old enough that it's socially acceptable to rub one out to them is heckin' creepy. I don't think Duckbear was actually personally engaging in such a countdown himself so much as he was just emulating tabloids that do under the belief that that was how Regular Human Beings conducted themselves, but it still wasn't a great vibe.
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adjl posted...
Usually it was something along the lines of "this person everyone remembers as a child actor is 18 now" and not actually asking if the kid was hot, but the whole thing where people count down until a celebrity becomes old enough that it's socially acceptable to rub one out to them is heckin' creepy. I don't think Duckbear was actually personally engaging in such a countdown himself so much as he was just emulating tabloids that do under the belief that that was how Regular Human Beings conducted themselves, but it still wasn't a great vibe.

Macaulay Culkin isn't that much older than any of us here.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Thank you for your input.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Poll of the Day » Is duckbear still here?