Did any of you succeed in getting revenge on your bullies?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Did any of you succeed in getting revenge on your bullies?
Or maybe life took care of them by itself
No hate. Only love.
I don't consider my "bullies" as bullies. I didn't necessarily care for their teasing, but I know they weren't doing it specifically to make my life shit. They were just having fun. There's no reason for "revenge" and it wouldn't do any good anyways.

Although it did leave me with trust issues.
If by bullies, you mean abusers, then I think I remember things not working out well for them. I can't really trust my memory these days, though.
Number VI: Larxene.
The Organization's Not-That-Geezer's-Heart-Tank.
I'm sure kevin fick is in Prison by now. Dude had some major issues and tbh I actually feel for the dude. He was always broke smelly and threatened kids if they didn't give him their lunch he'd punch the **** outta them
Twice. The first time was a joint effort between me and my best friend and took some acting chops. In hindsight, it was a pretty fucked up thing to do to the guy.

The second time I keyed my pos relative's car. And tossed something of hers in the trash. I regret to say that she still hasn't kicked the bucket, or disappeared off the face of the earth yet. She came close to dying in a drunken car crash though.

I don't do revenge very often, but on the very rare occasion that I do, I don't get caught.
I'm just a girl who loves games
Yes, but only for a few of them. Although it doesn't count as revenge, I've had four of them arrested by the police. One of them was an adult in a position of authority, so I assume he has a criminal record. When it comes to actual revenge, my best one is when I relentlessly bashed the head of a bully with my umbrella. It actually bent the metal shaft. Despite doing it inside a bus full of passengers and confessing my crime to the school administration immediately after, I didn't face any punishment. I guess they saw it as justified, or they didn't want to open that can of worms, or because it happened outside their jurisdiction. Whatever the reason, I never saw him again. All he did was sit next to me, but it triggered my PTSD of being violently harassed by him in primary school. It happened on my first year of secondary school (grade 7) and he was one year older than me.

I don't know if the school investigated. They had no obligation to do so because it happened inside a city bus parked on school grounds. I didn't even know the kid's name. The police clearly weren't calledthey never are. Only parents call the police. The reason why I call it a can of worms is because schools prefer covering up cases of bullying. Since they're responsible for letting it happen and tolerating it, they can be held liable. It's also bad for their stats. Had it gone to court, it's highly unlikely I would have been found guilty. It clearly wasn't self-defense, but it was caused by PTSD. In my country, it's enough to acquit.
I'm French speaking.
I befriended my middle school bully on Facebook last year but didnt bring up the past.

I had one guy in high school bully me my sophomore year (and he was a freshman) His mom was a teacher at the school and I went and told her. He never bullied me again.
I only had 1 and a half bullies and they were both in elementary. I have no idea what they're up to these days.
I heard one of my bullies tried to hang himself. Looking back I came to realize the reason he was a bully was because he had some serious issues. No idea where he is today but I actually hope he's doing better. Then there was another bully who was just a narcissist who just thought he was better than everyone else. Never got revenge on him but I hope he gets hit by a bus.
Never really had bullies, per se. Definitely not like you see on TV or movies. I certainly had people who bullied me at some point or another (mostly in middle school), but it was never really a case where a single bully picked on me specifically repeatedly, more like an asshole would cross my path, give me shit, and then afterwards I wouldn't interact with them again for weeks/months.

That pretty much stopped in high school, though. Being 6'3" and on the track team meant very few people were going to be willing to fuck with me because I looked like I could kill you. Even more so because I developed a reputation for being somewhat crazy (I once threatened a bully that I was going to jam my thumbs into his eye sockets and smash his skull into the floor until brains started leaking out - and he backed off and literally never spoke to me again).

And our track team had like 70 members (in a school with about 1100 students), so we sort of developed a reputation for being something like the Mafia, where if you fucked with one of us dozens of other kids were going to make your life a living hell (we actually forced one student to leave our school entirely because he was getting harassed so badly, and then got him harassed in his new school to the point where he had to move to get away from us). We were all generally super-chill, but you did not want to start trouble.

I got the best revenge on everyone who bullied me though. By basically not giving a shit whether or not they existed, and generally forgetting that they ever did. I pretty much never think of them at all (except at a time like this when someone else brings it up). For all I know, they could all be successful businessmen (or women) now, or they could be dead. Maybe one of them was raped to death after a drug deal gone wrong. Maybe one of them is a Senator. I have no idea. They don't matter enough to me to have ever bothered thinking about them after school ended.

If they'd been way worse bullies who focused on me exclusively maybe they would have scarred my psyche more. But if they had they'd probably be dead now. I lived in a house full of guns and had anger-management issues when I was younger.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Really only had two. One I have no idea what happened to him since he moved after like a year, the other I got fed up with and punched him in the face breaking his nose. We became friends shortly after that.

All that happened in 5th - 8th grade, didn't have any bullies in high school.
I feel like I need to put something here, or else I am one of those weird people who think that having no signature is a character trait.
Got revenge on most of mine.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
Sorta. This one school bully got deported back to Jamaica a few year ago where he apprently will fear for his life so I suppose that's karma.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
2024 posted...
Or maybe life took care of them by itself

A person of whom I have no good memories did indeed die at age...19 or 20 or so, but I assuredly found no mirth in that.
A gentleman will walk, but never run
If we accept that the best revenge is letting go and living well, I don't even remember any significant bullying, so I guess so. But then also I know I didn't have much by way of significant bullying and that experience is pretty different from what many people experience.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
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No, I haven't gone psycho on anyone yet, but I definitely wouldn't act all high and noble all the sudden with arms wide open.

Right, you were a jerk, so feel bad about it, I'm not Jesus.
Yellow posted...
with arms wide open.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Simpsons did it
Venixon posted...
Twice. The first time was a joint effort between me and my best friend and took some acting chops . In hindsight, it was a pretty fucked up thing to do to the guy.

So what did you have to do? You had to pretend to be their friend to gain their trust and then like get your revenge. I'm curious but don't go into detail if it's graphic.
2024 posted...
So what did you have to do? You had to pretend to be their friend to gain their trust and then like get your revenge. I'm curious but don't go into detail if it's graphic.

Well, I'm not usually one to act out on revenge, my belief is that if i hate your guts i will gladly stay away from you. But occasionally I do.

And in hindsight it was not proportional compared to the other bullies who physically tormented me by throwing me on the ground, or trying to pull down my underwear on photo day. He went out of his way to tear down my self esteem when I had never done anything to him by calling me things like ugly, stupid, a monkey, a loser, making fun of the fact that i was growing boobs before the other girls. But he didn't physically hurt me, which is why what I did was wrong.

My best friend managed to find his number that he'd given to a girl and we got an idea. He'd been tormenting the pair of us since elementary. This was back before things like caller ID, blocking, and cell phones. We practiced what we'd say, got hold of his dad on the phone, fed him a fucked up story to get him in trouble, and he walked in right when we'd finished. His dad apologized, said he'd deal with him, and he started yelling right before he hung up. It was a false accusation and i won't ever do that sort of thing again.
I'm just a girl who loves games
No not really. I am not a vengeful person. Life is too short for petty shit like that.

I only made fun of a fat kid when I was in middle school who started stuff with me first.
Devil_May_Cry posted...
I only made fun of a fat kid when I was in middle school who started stuff with me first.

Did he steal your lunch?

One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
I never had bullies surprisingly
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Muscles posted...
I never had bullies surprisingly

Because you had muscles?
wwinterj25 posted...
Did he steal your lunch?
No lol he would hit me and make fun of me. I had a bowl cut and braces at the time.
2024 posted...
Because you had muscles?
I was always the biggest/strongest kid, even though I'm average height now, I hit 5'8 early then stopped growing, and by that point I was being home schooled
Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
i took the long way around and just became his best friend and slowly changed him over time
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
Yes. Because my "revenge" is just living my own life and not caring about or thinking about them.
Sign here.
GameReviews posted...
Yes. Because my "revenge" is just living my own life and not caring about or thinking about them.

That's not revenge though
Post #33 was unavailable or deleted.
2024 posted...
That's not revenge though
Yeah its even better its called being mature.
My abusers? No. And the fact that they were underage does not suddenly make their abuse "fun," ftr.

The best revenge is living well.
I don't even have a pla-
Im about 20 years into a 25 year long game
Christ, am I the only person on this board that didn't get bullied?
SomeUsername529 posted...
Christ, am I the only person on this board that didn't get bullied?
So you were probably the bully
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
SinisterSlay posted...
So you were probably the bully
I can see how getting bullied might warp someone's perception of how much of the world is "bullies vs bullied" but I would've thought reaching adulthood would give you some perspective on how narrow that reality is.
SomeUsername529 posted...
Christ, am I the only person on this board that didn't get bullied?

I didn't, but that's because I was homeschooled.
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SomeUsername529 posted...
I can see how getting bullied might warp someone's perception of how much of the world is "bullies vs bullied" but I would've thought reaching adulthood would give you some perspective on how narrow that reality is.
No I see adult bullying all the time. I've even called out a few bullies. And its a damn shame I never learned how to deal with bullies until late highschool. If I had a time machine, that's the info I would give my past self.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
SomeUsername529 posted...
Christ, am I the only person on this board that didn't get bullied?

nah, rest of us have nothing to contribute so we just step over the thread.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
i went back to my old neighbourhood and beat the shit outta some kids

but this was like a few weeks ago so idk if that counts
" ...and listen, hunting bigfoot is trash. now my aunt and uncle, they hunt the abominable snowman...which is classy "
SomeUsername529 posted...

I can see how getting bullied might warp someone's perception of how much of the world is "bullies vs bullied" but I would've thought reaching adulthood would give you some perspective on how narrow that reality is.

Citation needed.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
josh posted...
nah, rest of us have nothing to contribute so we just step over the thread.
I would've and should've just ignored this thread but 30+ posts in like a day about bullying was just shocking. I probably would've been drawn in if I saw a similar number of posts in a thread like "How often do you shave your feet?"
Revelation34 posted...
Citation needed.
Social Media has given everyone main character syndrome. They think their problems matter in the grand scheme of things when really there are various realities and experiences that shape society as a whole.
I feel like I need to put something here, or else I am one of those weird people who think that having no signature is a character trait.
Post #48 was unavailable or deleted.
coyot posted...
Our problems sometimes are matter.
SomeUsername529 posted...
I can see how getting bullied might warp someone's perception of how much of the world is "bullies vs bullied" but I would've thought reaching adulthood would give you some perspective on how narrow that reality is.
Do most of you think the majority of kids that bully do turn into pretty successful adults though? What does this quoted users post really mean?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
SomeUsername529 posted...
I can see how getting bullied might warp someone's perception of how much of the world is "bullies vs bullied" but I would've thought reaching adulthood would give you some perspective on how narrow that reality is.
To be fair, some of us experienced:
  1. the victim
  2. the abuser
  3. everyone else laughing
so it's usually a bit more complicated.

Anyway, abusers stop when you make them pay, and for no other reason. Once I started beating mine with my schoolbooks, they kept their distance. It was enough. I never "got back at them" but I did defend myself.
Poll of the Day » Did any of you succeed in getting revenge on your bullies?
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