162 hrs (7 days)wtf that's barely any time at all
Wow. I voted Lokcup because I assumed that Delta would be running away with this and the other side would need the help. But seems like I seriously misjudged that.This is what I did too. Oops lol
delta and lok are both kinda the lifeblood of potd
So what you're saying is, they should both betray their partners and form an alliance to conquer everything in their path.Partners are temporary, but PotD is eternal.
Saw this up again and what happened. Lok was winning.
Saw this up again and what happened. Lok was winning.
Most of these polls have swung wildly at the end. My theory is that someone on this board has multiple accounts and a means of IP switching to multi-vote every poll, and they just wait until the end to throw their weight behind whoever they want to win.Yeah, it seems like these last-second ties are happening pretty often.
I have suspicions of who it might be, but no real proof.
it was me all along.
Bruh, that was your game when everyone shilled Ganon and slinja lolmfw when tc says bruh
Did anyone see the 40th vote ? It was 19 v 19 last I checked